Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes


Meeting 1 - Wednesday 26 June 2024

Date: Wednesday 26 June 2024

Time: 18:00 – 20:00

Location: Microsoft Teams


Club Staff

Tara Warren, Executive Director (CCO & CMO, CDAO) (TW)

Nicola Keye, Director of Ticketing & Executive and Director of West Ham Women (NK)

Phillippa Cartwright, Projects & Operations Director and Head of Women's Football (PC)

Catherine Smith, Head of Supporter Services and Fan Engagement (CS)

Samantha David, Women’s Ticketing & Group Bookings Manager (SD)

Lee Woodcock, Fan Engagement Manager (LW)

Women's team Supporters' Board

Jo Bailey, Women's team Supporters' Board Chair - LGBTQ+ Representative (JB)

Peter Tyler, Women's team Supporters' Board Co-Chair – Local Representative (PT)

Stephen Baker, Families Representative (SB)

Sue Adams, Over 66s Representative (SA)

Zahra Haleem, Young Adults (18-25) Representative (ZH)

Allie Heppell, Away Representative (AH)

Hannah Newson, Match-By-Match Representative (HN)


Trevor Bright, Accessibility representative (TB)



  1. Introductions
  2. What is WHU vision/purpose of the WSB?
  3. The WSB proposes a dedicated area for 1-3 players for signings
  4. Playing Matches at the London Stadium
  5. Address the lack of diversity in social media campaigns. What is the club's vision moving forward?
  6. Help to grow supporter groups WHUWSC to build a community for the women's game
  7. Ensure consistency throughout the season and assign a designated officer for the women’s game. It will also be someone Jo Bailey can highlight for the FSA women’s network
  8. AOB: Fan Advisory Board
  9. Actions



On Wednesday 26 June, the Club were delighted to meet with the West Ham United Women’s Official Supporters’ Board (WSB). 

What is WHU vision/purpose of the WSB?

Jo Bailey (JB) asked the Club to explain what is hoped the WSB would achieve.  

Tara Warren (TW) explained that West Ham United women’s team had a 30% growth in match-by-match attendances last season at Chigwell Construction Stadium, and there was a desire to continue to welcome more supporters in the season ahead. 

TW explains that this season there is a big focus on the Fan Engagement Standard (FES), which is a framework designed by the Premier League to reinforce clubs’ commitment to ensuring long-term meaningful engagement with supporters of all Clubs across the league. Cat Smith (CS) shared that there will be WSB space on the Fan Advisory Board (FAB). The Club would like to ensure, alongside the FAB, there is a dedicated space to discuss the issues directly relevant to the women’s game, so we can delivering actionable feedback and bring benefit to all our supporters.

Nicola Keye indicates that the Club are taking learnings from the men’s matches at London Stadium to replicate and test what works well and what doesn’t, whilst remaining financially sustainable and investing in the playing squad. TW reaffirmed that the Club are looking at how we can continue to improve the experience for women’s supporters. 

TW introduces Phillipa Cartwright (PC) to the group as the new Head of Women’s Football at West Ham United. 

The WSB proposes a dedicated area for 1-3 players for signings

Allie Heppell (AH), explained concerns with the volume of supporters wanting photos and autographs post-match and suggested an area outside of the stadium, where pre-selected players attend a dedicated area outside the stadium for meet and greet opportunities. This would alleviate any rush or overcrowding at the end of the match and will allow supporters, who do not want signatures, to leave safely. Safety concerns were echoed by Sue Adams (SA). 

PC confirms that the Club will consider this and revert to the WSB before the start of the season. With attendances rising, expectations need to be managed that not everyone will be able to get an autograph or photograph. The WSB acknowledged that the current signing sessions pre-match have been well received.  

SA also suggested that the Ted Hardy Suite should be West Ham United branded, to make the space look like a West Ham Venue. TW thanks SA for her feedback and wants to work in collaboration with the WSB regarding increasing the venue branding and making it more like home.

Hannah Newson (HN) refers to Agenda item 5, the comments can be found under the subsection below titled: ‘Address the lack of diversity in social media campaigns. What is the club’s vision moving forward?’.

NK recommended considering giveaways of collectible items which was endorsed by HN. CS said options would be considered for the 2024-25 season.  

Playing Matches at the London Stadium

TW acknowledged the desire of both supporters and the Club to play matches in the London Stadium. She reiterated the Board remain committed to exploring how to do this.

NK confirms that selling out the Chigwell Construction Stadium is still a priority, with a target of 6,000 average attendance. This will help to enhance the matchday experience and atmosphere. 

JB explained how important it would be to play matches in the London Stadium. This was agreed by all on the call. 

Address the lack of diversity in social media campaigns. What is the club’s vision moving forward?

Discussed previously in subsection above titled: ‘The WSB proposes a dedicated area for 1-3 players for signings. 

HN shared that she would like to see more photos on social media which capture the diversity of the women’s fanbase and that a dedicated space for autographs would make this easier to do. TW highlighted that ED&I is core to West Ham United and that that this feedback would be shared for the start of the new season. 

Help to grow supporter groups WHUWSC to build a community for the women’s game

CS opens agenda item 6, growing our West Ham Women’s fanbase is really important for the Club. Hiring a Fan Engagement Officer, specifically for the women’s team, is an important first step. They will play a crucial role in growing West Ham Women’s local community, schools and sister club and delivering activations on match days to help drive ticket sales and grow attendances. In addition, the introduction of a Fan Engagement Lead across the Club will ensure we have a strategy to support all our supporters’ clubs in their ambitions to grow.

We will also shortly be launching our Official Supporters’ Club portal. There is the option for the Women’s Supporters Club to be featured on this to help grow their membership. 

AH raised issues regarding the purchasing of away tickets and would like the option to purchase through the West Ham United ticketing site. NK said this would be actioned before the start of the season for all clubs with dedicated away sections. 

AH also mentioned the Club supporting with away travel. NK stated that this could be considered dependent on demand, as 53 supporters are needed to fill a coach and we would have to make sure this is cost-neutral to ensure continued investment in the playing squad. AH was asked to see what the demand would be for away travel. 

Ensure consistency throughout the season and assign a designated officer for the women’s game. It will also be someone Jo Bailey can highlight for the FSA women’s network

CS confirms the Supporter Services Team will have a pool of two full-time members who will rotate match-by-match responsible in liaising with the supporters’ groups, WSB and management of the SLO Team. The two full-time team members will catch up each week to ensure that all actions are taken up and managed appropriately. CS will introduce all SLOs working each matchday to the WSB at the start of the season. 

Zahra Haleem (ZH), highlighted the need for consistency in matchday experience and would like to ensure first time certificates and Junior Hammer Passport Stickers are available for all games. CS confirms that that the club is committed to providing a matchday collectable for the 2024/25 seasons, such as the Junior Hammer Passport collectable for the 2023/24 season.

SA raises that some food outlets have been closed on matchday. PC confirms the Club will speak to Dagenham & Redbridge. 

JB shares her excitement at PC joining and confirms the WSB will ensure all feedback continues to be sent to the Club through the Supporter Services team. 

HN raises that the women’s toilets there are no sanitary disposal boxes and instead there are open buckets on the floor. PC will introduce sanitary disposal boxes ahead of the new season.

AOB: Fan Advisory Board

CS confirmed the WSB can appoint a representative to attend each FAB meeting on behalf of the WSB. 

CS will also share the new WSB Terms of Reference for the 2024/25 season, based on the previous version and updated. 

NK asks someone from the Disabled Supporters Board should be present at the next meeting. 

JB will collate 2023/24 fan feedback via the WSB that was communicated to the club after every home fixture and will send the list to PC.

Stephen Baker (SB) raises that the matchday experience differs between the men’s and the women’s activations. SB would like to see half-time activations, such as the half-time quiz where you can win prizes. HN suggested a mascot penalty shoot-out at half-time, which is simple but effective. The Club committed to looking at matchday experiences for next season. 

CS thanks the WSB for attending the meeting and will share the confirmed minutes and action plans.

CS would welcome a meeting ahead of the season with more updates for the 2024/25 season.





WSB 1/1-23-24

Reviewing internal and external locations for a supporters’ player meet and greet area


WSB 1/2-23-24

Creating a 2024/25 matchday collectable item


WSB 1/3-23-24

Reviewing options for the West Ham United women’s team to play at London Stadium in the 2024/25 season


WSB 1/4-23-24

Giving supporters the ability to purchase tickets for away matches via West Ham United’s ticketing platform 


WSB 1/5-23-24

Looking at the possibility of away coach travel throughout the season


WSB 1/6-23-24

Supporter Services Team to implement two full-time points of contact, who will rotate on a match-by-match basis


WSB 1/7-23-24

Introduction of the matchday Supporter Liaison Officer staff pool to the WSB, at the start of the season


WSB 1/8-23-24

Ensure that all catering kiosks are in use at all matchdays next season


WSB 1/9-23-24

Review the catering options to provide vegan and junior friendly food


WSB 1/10-23-24

Confirm how (and who) feedback should be shared to for the new season


WSB 1/11-23-24

To share the WSB and FAB Terms of Reference with the WSB


WSB 1/12-23-24

Implementation of sanitary disposable bins in all female toilets at Chigwell Construction Stadium


Meeting 2 - Tuesday 25 February 2025

Date: 25 February 2025
Time: 1800-1900
Location: Online (Microsoft Teams)

Supporter Representatives:  

  1. Peter Tyler (Women’s team Supporters Board Co-Chair and Supporter Representative on Fan Advisory Board)  
  2. Allie Heppell (Women's team Supporters' Board Co-Chair – Away Representative)
  3. Sue Adams (Over 66 Representative) 
  4. Zahra Haleem (Young Adults (18-25) Representative)
  5. Trevor Bright (Accessibility Representative)
  6. Hannah Newson (Match-by-Match Supporters Representative)

Club Representatives:  

  1. Tara Warren, Executive Director, Nominated Board Level Official
  2. Phillippa Cartwright, Projects & Operations Director and Head of Women's Football 
  3. Nicola Keye, Director of Ticketing, Executive Director of the Women’s Team  
  4. Catherine Smith, Head of Supporter Services and Fan Engagement 
  5. Samantha David, Women’s Ticketing & Group Bookings Manager 
  6. Evie O’Sullivan, Women’s Fan Engagement Officer


  1. Stephen Baker (Families Representative)


  1. Penalty shootout: feedback on the game and clarification of criteria 
  2. Food concessions in the Away end 
  3. Sanitary bins in women’s toilets 
  4. Signage in ground: cashless stadium and new reporting number
  5. VIP tickets: phone calls and criteria for 2025-26 season 
  6. Fan interaction before and after home games
  7. Away fan seating and standing criteria
  8. Playing in the London Stadium
  9. AOB


  1. Penalty shootout: feedback on the game and clarification of criteria 
  • Supporter Representatives welcomed the positive changes to matchday entertainment
  • Supporter Representatives commented that it would be good to use a bigger sized goal for the penalty shoot-out at half-time and include an option on the sign-up form for a supporter to let the Club know they attend every game. Supporter Representatives also asked the Club to consider making the activity available for over 18’s.   
  • The Club confirmed they would purchase a larger goal and that new halftime activations are under consideration for next season. 
  1. Food Concessions in the Away End
  • Supporter Representatives asked the Club to increase the vegetarian and halal options at the Stadium and noted that for high attendance matchdays there were long queues at concessionary outlets 
  • The Club confirmed it would request improved catering options from Stadium Operators, including opening additional concessionary units for matchdays with high attendance 
  1. Sanitary bins in women’s toilets 
  • The Club confirmed sanitary bins have been installed in all women's toilets following supporter feedback. Regular checks are implemented before matchdays 
  1. Signage in ground: cashless stadium and new reporting number
  • The Club confirmed there is number that can be used at all West Ham United fixtures for supporters – 83121 and details are promoted via social media and included in the pre-match email. 
  • The Club confirmed there is a dedicated SLO presence at all home fixtures, and away fixtures where there are more than 100 supporters in attendance 
  • Supporter Representatives asked the Club to consider additional touchpoints where the Club can inform supporters of the reporting number 
  • Supporter Representatives also asked the Club to consider additional touchpoints where the Club can inform supporters that West Ham United products must be purchased via bank card 
  • The Club highlighted that this would be published via social media, the matchday programme, the Club website and pre-match email as there are limited places at Chigwell Construction Stadium to place posters and signage 
  1. Ticketing & VIP Experience
  • Supporter Representatives shared that some supporters did not receive expected VIP benefits due to seating misallocation
  • The Club confirmed they would call all VIP supporters to clarify their offer for this season 
  • Supporter Representatives confirmed they would welcome a broader food offering for VIP supporters and that they thought there would be more demand for VIP tickets 
  • The Club confirmed this season there have been increased email and SMS campaigns, online competitions, and paid social media advertising to encourage ticket purchases. Supporter Representatives suggested more promotion at men’s fixtures, including showing highlight reels of previous women’s games on the big screen 
  1. Fan Interaction before and after home fixtures 
  • Supporter Representatives asked if player meet and greets would continue before matches. The Club confirmed they would, but it was dependent on player availability, as it is only injured players who can take part, and thankfully, there are less injuries in the playing squad this season 
  •  Supporter Representatives asked the Club about post-match interaction with players such as photos and autographs. The Club confirmed players do stay outside for up to 15 minutes to engage with supporters and this is dependent on post-match recovery, which must take priority. 
  • The Club agreed to look at options for open training sessions for season ticket holders, and to attract new supporters to provide another opportunity for interaction between supporters and players  
  1. Away Fan Seating & Standing Criteria 
  • Supporter Representatives shared feedback about the location of away supporters, as it is the only uncovered section of the Stadium and is standing only. The Club confirmed it liaises with the visiting Club to identify any supporters who require seating and supporters are relocated accordingly. In addition, away supporters can contact the Ticket Office on the matchday itself to be relocated. Supporter Representatives confirmed they had seen examples of this across the season 
  1. Playing at London stadium
  • The Club reiterated that work is underway to try to host a women’s match at London Stadium

9. AOB 

  • The Club confirmed working with Trainline that discounted train travel had been secured for Leciester City Women v West Ham Women. Supporter Representatives agreed to work with the Club to encourage away match attendance for this fixture. 
  • Supporter Representatives requested promotion of the WSB X and Instagram account

Agreed Actions: 

  1. The Club to explore the feasibility of using full-size goals and reviewing half-time entertainment and interaction  
  2. The Club to work with Stadium operators to review vegetarian catering options and the possibility of opening concessions in the away ends for high attendance fixtures 
  3. The Club to consider where the reporting number (83121) can be included in communications to raise awareness 
  4. The Club to contact all VIP ticket holders to confirm preferences
  5. The Club to explore further promotion at men’s matchdays 
  6. The Club to consider hosting open training sessions for season ticket holders and new fans
  7. The Club agreed to consider how share and promote the Women’s Supporters Board social media accounts