West Ham United

An update from West Ham United

West Ham United can confirm its award-winning Foundation is currently in the process of identifying the appropriate animal welfare charities to benefit from the funds which have been generated by the fine handed to Kurt Zouma.

Despite the hugely regrettable circumstances which led to the fine being issued, the Club hopes that, in line with its policies around unacceptable behaviour – which are where possible to attempt to eradicate and rehabilitate – the funds can be utiised to drive long-term positives from a negative situation.

Re-education forms a core part of West Ham United’s values. The Club seeks always to take a progressive approach when incidents arise, in order to understand the root cause and work with experienced organisations to address any issues and help ensure a productive outcome.

West Ham United Vice-Chairman Karren Brady said: “This has been an extremely difficult and upsetting week for everyone involved with our Club.

“As our manager David Moyes has said, absolutely no one at West Ham United in any way condones or defends the actions that were seen in the video that was shared this week. Kurt Zouma’s behaviour was completely unacceptable and it caused great hurt to everyone associated with the Club. 

“As a Club we took the decision to punish Kurt with the maximum fine possible, as the best way of ensuring that we could do some good, to make a tangible contribution in the support for animals that have been the victim of cruelty.

“Our team at the Foundation, who do such fantastic work across an enormous spectrum of community and charitable causes and programmes, are currently in the process of identifying the animal welfare charities we believe will benefit most from that financial donation.

“The RSPCA continue their investigation into the matter and we are supporting and co-operating with that fully, as is Kurt. It is important that we allow them to complete that process without distraction or interference.

“I would like to thank everyone who has contacted us to give us their views, both critical and in support of the Club’s actions. We understand that this is a subject that has generated a range of opinions and reactions, but it was important that we acted on the facts in front of us and in line with our relevant club policies.

“We are a football club with huge community values. One aspect of those values is our policy to offer rehabilitation and re-education to those who have committed offences – be it a player, member of staff or supporter – if they are keen to take that opportunity.

“I can assure all of our supporters and everyone associated with West Ham United that Kurt Zouma is absolutely willing to go on that journey. He has taken full responsibility for his actions, accepted punishment without reservation, and is eager for the chance to prove that he can learn from his mistake. I hope everyone in the West Ham family understands our decision to give him that chance.”