Princess Ademiluyi

Table tennis, animals and holiday destinations | Any Questions with Princess Ademilyui

Princess Ademiluyi is next to step up to our random question challenge. One hundred questions to choose from - which ones will the young forward pull out?

Which player did you pretend to be when you played football as a kid? 

Definitely Cristiano Ronaldo. I would say mostly his shooting style is what I tried to copy. I heard that he even wears smaller boots on the pitch, which helps with power. I used to do that as a kid as well!


What’s your favourite animal? 

A cheetah! Just because they’re incredibly fast and I always aim to be the quickest myself. 


Would you rather fight a kangaroo sized duck or ten duck sized kangaroos? 

Oh that’s a really hard question. It’s tough for me because I don’t really like ducks, I don’t really like any animals that have wings to be honest with you. I always feel like they’re going to slap me with them. 

I think it would have to be ten duck sized kangaroos just because wings scare me so much! 


What is one thing that you are unbeatable at? 

Out of everyone in our squad, nobody would be able to beat me at table tennis. I can’t lie, I’m actually pretty good.

I haven’t actually played anyone in the squad, but I know nobody would be able to beat me because I’m really good. Back in secondary school I used to go to the National Championships and compete.

It was something I took really seriously, but I haven’t played for a little while, so I’d definitely need some time to warm-up, but I’d back myself. 


What were your best and worst subjects at school?

My worst was definitely computer science. It was something that we got added to our timetable in year 11 and I just never got to grips with it at all! 

My best subject was DT (design and technology), which I really enjoyed. I think it suited the person that I am, I was interested in the architecture side of it, and it was something that I enjoyed learning. 


Pick one person from history to have dinner with and tell us why you would pick them?

Marilyn Monroe would be my pick. She was very influential in her time, very pretty and would have a lot of good stories to tell about the work she did with fashion and modelling at the time. 

I watched the movie about her and I have my own conspiracies, but I think she would be a great person to chat to for an evening. 


What is your favourite way to spend your downtime?

I like to go into central London a lot and go shopping. I like fashion and I would say that I have a very specific style in terms of the clothes that I like to wear. You won’t normally see me wearing a tracksuit. I’d say my style is quite gothic. 

A lot of the girls wear really nice clothes. I would say that Izzy and Amber have a style that is very nice. Hawa has a very unique style which I think is nice, I’ve never seen anybody dress like she does and she pulls it off!

Princess Ademiluyi

What skill or talent do you wish you had?

I wish I could ice skate! Every year I go to Winter Wonderland in London, and I can’t do it. As much as I try, I just can’t get the hang of it. 

I like figure skating and stuff, so I’d love not to be slipping and sliding around when I go. It looks really easy when you see people doing it, but the first time I was just holding on and walking around the edge. 

Do you understand the game of cricket?

Yeah, I used to play cricket a little bit back in primary school. I really like the sport to be fair, but I don’t normally watch it. 

I really enjoyed fielding to be honest, which is probably not what many people say. I just loved catching the ball and getting people out. 


What is your favourite holiday destination?

Bora Bora. I haven’t actually been, but it’s somewhere I really want to go. The huts along the water and just chilling all day would definitely be a bit of me!


What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Only tell the important people in your life your business. I’ve learned over time not to overshare and to keep my private life private. 

I also feel as though the more you talk about things, the more unlikely they are to happen, so I like to keep things to myself and hopefully some of my dreams will come true because of that. 

Next up, the women's team welcome Matt Beard's Liverpool to Chigwell Construction Stadium! Purchase your tickets by clicking on the graphic below!
