Supporters' Club In Focus: Bayou Ironworks

Bayou Ironworks
Chairperson: Chris Pacey
Founded: 2015
Based: Houston, Texas, USA
Twitter: @BayouIronworks
Facebook: @BayouIronworksWHUSG


How did your Supporters Club begin?

Starting up a new group is difficult, as a lot of supporters in the States typically follow one of the so-called ‘bigger’ clubs, probably because of Champions League exposure, video game advertising or because of an American player or owners on the team. So, when I moved to Houston from California, I looked to see if there were any local places to watch any Premier League matches. At the time there was a place called the Richmond Arms that showed every match but was primarily an Arsenal bar, but other clubs would have a handful of supporters here and there. So, when us West Ham supporters found each other, it was an instant connection. West Ham is a family and from that moment on we were family. 


Have you always been a West Ham supporter?

Yes, my father was from Dagenham and moved to the States in 1966. He raised my brother and I to play football and to be West Ham supporters.


How do you follow the Hammers on a matchday?

Despite our distance from London, our alternate means on matchday are almost universal. For Premier League matches we have the NBC broadcast on TV and the app when we are not the main match. For European games we have the Paramount app to watch 100 per cent of the matches so far. And when our midweek matches are on and I can’t sneak away, I have the West Ham app to listen to the radio broadcast and the replay on TV when I get home.


What is your matchday routine?

On a Saturday, the ideal is for a 9am match at our West Ham home, Nick’s Place in Houston. They open up for us and treat us well, so we can have breakfast and a few pints while watching our beloved Hammers.


How can other supporters join your Supporters' Club?

Yes, you can follow us on Twitter or Facebook and look out for our meetup times. All are welcome!