Seraina Piubel

Piubel | I'm really excited to meet more of our supporters and play at home

Seraina Piubel is hoping to build on her first minutes in the Barclays Women's Super League (WSL) when West Ham United women's team play out three fixtures in the next seven days. 

Rehanne Skinner's side face Liverpool in their first home match of the new campaign on Sunday, before welcoming Portsmouth to Dagenham on Wednesday for Women's League Cup group stage action. The Hammers then travel to Manchester City on Sunday 6 October the WSL. 

Piubel joined West Ham this summer from FC Zürich, and the Switzerland international is looking forward to having the opportunity to build on the 31 minutes of action she had in the defeat to Manchester United on the opening day of the season. 

The 24-year-old has been in east London for just over three weeks now, and says that her teammates and staff have made things easy for her to settle in. For her, now it is about building up more minutes as she adapts to the levels required to perform week in, week out in one of the best leagues in the world...

"It was an amazing feeling to make my debut for the Club last weekend," Piubel told "To do that in a stadium like Old Trafford was incredible. It was a tough game for us as a team, but also for me personally. I got to see first hand what the level of opposition is like here in England, they were a good team. 

"I was a little bit nervous when I came on, to be honest, but I had fantastic support from Rehanne and my teammates. I would say it was a good debut for me and I want to build on that going into this week. 

"For me, I'm going to keep working hard in training to be able to help the team when I get my opportunities."

Before signing a three-year contract in east London, Piubel spoke with her former Zurich teammate Laura Vetterlein, who played for West Ham between 2019 and 2021. 

I learnt a lot from my first game. You don't get a lot of time on the ball and have to make quick decisions.
Seraina Piubel

Piubel says everyone at the Club has really helped her to settle into her new surroundings, and she is also looking forward to playing in front of a home crowd for the first time.  

She confirmed: "I'm really excited to meet more of our supporters and play at home. I've heard so many good things about the West Ham fans from Laura [Vetterlein], who played here a couple of years ago. Everything she told me about the Club has so far been true. It's one big family and everyone has been really helping me to settle in nicely. 

"It's exciting for me as well because my Mum and Dad will be there watching on Sunday. To have them here with me watching me play for my new team is great. I hope to be able to help the team to our first win of the season.

"It's the start of a busy week for us, and we all want to make sure that we come away with as many points and as many wins as we possibly can. We want to put on a good performance for our fans too!"

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