Issa Diop in Evian

In Pictures: Heavy lifting for the Hammers

West Ham United’s first-teamers did some heavy lifting at their pre-season training camp in France on Tuesday evening.

The squad’s second session of the day saw them start with mobility work, followed by specific technical work split into attacking and defensive units, with goals and saves aplenty.

From there, the players returned to their hotel in Évian-les-Bains for a lower body strength session featuring a range of exercises aimed at developing the players’ strength, speed and power.

With the sun setting over the Alpine mountains and Lake Geneva, the players completed a circuit that included squats, split squats, calf raises, lateral lunges, Romanian dead lifts, Nordic hamstring curls and flywheel work, improving speed, jump height and change of direction.

Club photographer Jimmy Griffiths was on hand to capture the players giving their all.

