Anouk Denton

Phobias, concerts and talents | Any Questions with Anouk Denton

Anouk Denton is next to step up to our random question challenge. One hundred questions to choose from - which ones will the defender pull out?

Who is the most skilful player you’ve played with?

Oh wow, that’s a tough question. I’m going to go with someone my age and somebody that I’ve played with internationally, Grace Clinton who is at Tottenham and has just been called up by the Lionesses! She’s got really quick feet, she’s very aggressive in a good way and she has this ability to run through anyone. 


What’s your favourite item of clothing and why?

I love a good, oversized hoodie. I’ve recently bought a grey one from Urban Outfitters which is really cosy and I’m wearing it a lot! 

You know when you just get the perfect hoodie? It’s just the right size, the hood is good! The inside is so soft and it’ll be perfect for when it turns colder!


What skill or talent do you wish you had? 

I wish I could sing or dance. If I had to pick one then definitely dance, but I just don’t have any rhythm at all! 

I wish I was able to do some of the Tik Tok dances, or just some light moves. I just can’t do them! 

I think Hawa is definitely the best dancer we have at the Club; she just has so much rhythm. I’m the worst, but if I had to pick another teammate then Izzy is pretty bad too! She will hate me when she reads this!

Anouk Denton

Who is the best sportsperson of all time?

I’ll say Kelly Smith. I read her book a while ago and I was really inspired by the story. She had a lot of challenges in her life, and she was one of the pioneers for women’s football in this country. 

She’s inspired so many people to play, and some of those are playing in the WSL right now and making the league as good as it is!


Who is the most exciting footballer in the world right now? 

For me, I’d have to say Aitana Bonmatí. I think she will win the Ballon d’Or this time around, she deserves it off the back of how she played at the World Cup. 

She’s a creative player that you just can’t get the ball from, and whenever you watch her, you’re just like ‘wow’. She’s incredible to watch and like I said, I think she will win it this year. 


What’s your biggest phobia? 

I’m not someone that is really terrified of anything in particular. I’m not a massive fan of spiders, but I'm not someone that would run out of the room unless I saw one that was huge. 

I would say I have fears rather than phobias. For example, I’m scared of family members passing away or being buried alive, but not of animals etc. They’re quite irrational fears aren’t they!


What was the first and last concert that you went to?

The first was with my mum, which was in Birmingham. I can’t actually remember who we went to see! It was a boy band in a really small venue, I was quite young and I remember it being so loud. There’s a picture of me with some big earplugs in from that concert!

The last one I went to was Kelsea Ballerini, she’s a country singer who you might not have heard of. I went whilst I was out in America, and it was in this really cool outdoor venue in California. 

She’s country, but not like the extreme end like old school Taylor Swift. She’s a really up-and-coming artist out in America and I think she’ll be quite big one day!

In terms of an artist, I want to go and see live next, I really would love to go and see Coldplay. I think their shows always look incredible with all the lights and the audience having them on their wrists, it’s great. I’d like to see Taylor Swift too but those tickets are way too expensive!

Anouk Denton

What was one event in history you’d have like to have witnessed?

I would have loved to have gone to my parents’ wedding. I was born a year after, but I’ve looked back through the photos, and it looked incredible. 

I’m quite close with my family. My dad was the one that got me into football, and actually, he only stopped playing last year, aged 50! He’s been playing in a men’s league and was the oldest player when he retired. He got an injury and he’s quite sad about not playing anymore. 


What were your best and worst subjects in school? 

My worst was probably English, and my best P.E. I hated going to French and English – they would always give us double English; two hours straight was not good for me. 


What is one song you know all the words to? 

Miley Cyrus – Party in the U.S.A! It’s the one I did for my initiation when I came back to West Ham!

Initiations aren’t fun, but you’ve got to do them, and thankfully everyone joined in with me, which made it really fun in the end!


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