Shannon Cooke

Music choices and the best advice received | Any Questions with Shannon Cooke

Shannon Cooke is next to step up to our random question challenge. One hundred questions to choose from - which ones will the defender pull out?

What type of music do you listen to in the car?

I know that I was going to get a music question and have to out myself. Surprisingly, I actually love country music – so I might ruin my street cred a little bit there. 

I really enjoy listening to Luke Combs and Morgan Wallen. I’m actually trying to get a ticket to go and see a Luke Combs concert, but they’re all sold out everywhere. 

We’re kind of outnumbered in the dressing room, as there’s only a couple of country fans, so it’s not a genre that we ever really play in there, it’s just me singing along in my car on my own!


What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

That’s a great question. I’ve been given a lot of really good advice in my time, but I would say that the best thing I have been told is to not take life too seriously. Sometimes I just deep everything and really, I should just be enjoying life, it’s never that serious and there’s always tomorrow.

One of my cousins’ friends gave me that piece of advice and it’s something that I always think back to when things perhaps aren’t going the way I want them to. 

Shannon Cooke


Pick one person from history to have dinner with and tell us why you would pick that person?

Elvis Presley, and I’d give up my seat to my Nan. She’s a huge Elvis fan and meeting him would honestly make her whole life. So, Nan, if you’re reading this, I’m giving this question up for you! 

I’d probably say I’m a little bit of a low-key Elvis fan as well because of my Nan’s love for him, my favourite song would be Return to Sender! 


What goes in your perfect sandwich or wrap?

I love a chicken salad, but not the English chicken salad with the lettuce, bacon and tomato. I like the American chicken salad where they have actual shredded chicken, with mayonnaise and cranberries and all that good stuff.

I went to college in America, at Louisiana State University, and about a mile down the road there was a Chicken Salad Chick. I was in there every Saturday, and I’ve definitely carried my love for it with me since I returned to the UK. 

Shannon Cooke


How did you get your worst scar?

I was actually speaking about this in the locker room not too long ago. I have a scar on my chin which I’ve got courtesy of my brother. We used to go to Florida a lot when we were younger and we were having a game of ‘last one in the pool wins’. 

He might be four years older than me, but I love a competition, and we used to play-fight a lot growing up. He pushed me into the pool, and I ended up smashing my chin on the side. 

I’ve got a couple of other ones, but that one is definitely has the best story behind it. 


Who was your favourite footballer growing up? 

Kelly Smith – I think she’s such an icon for the women’s game. I was actually really fortunate in that I had the chance to work under her when I was at Arsenal, she came in and coached me in the younger age groups, which was really cool, and I learnt a lot from her.

Every time she stepped onto the pitch, she did something magic and she was a real role model for me. If she ever played in any sort of charity match then I’d be the first one there in the crowd, for sure!


What one event in history would you have liked to have witnessed?

These are some really tough questions, a lot of this stuff I’ve never even thought about before! I would say the 1966 World Cup – it’s kind of the standard answer from an English footballer isn’t it. An oldie but a goldie! 

Cooke & O'Hanlon


Tell us about a person at West Ham that deserves a shoutout? 

I would have to say Katie O’Hanlon. She is honestly hilarious, and she is somebody that I spend a lot of time with at the training ground. 

One of the funniest people that I’ve ever met in my life, and I’m not sure that a lot of people know about her and what she’s like. So, Katie, if you’re reading this, love you girl! 


Which reality TV show would you most like to be on?

See, I’m not really big on reality TV shows, I’m more of a series kind-of-girl. But if I did have to go on a show of some sort then I would go on ‘The Cube’. 

I seriously think I would win and take all of the money. Me and my brother used to practise in the living room as kids, so I think we’ve got a couple of the drills on lock. 

So, ITV, if you’re reading this, then bring the show back and get me on there!


What was the last TV series that you watched? 

You. Terrifying, but such an addictive show. It’s very moreish and kind of messed up, but it’s a great watch. 

In terms of the best TV series I’ve ever watched, if you like crime then I would say The Sinner, but if you like a bit of adventure then I’d say Outer Banks. 

Shannon Cooke


If you could donate 1 million pounds to any charity or cause, which one would you donate to? 

I would donate to Cancer Research UK to help them not only find a cure, but also helping to treat people and give them a life that they deserve to live. 

I’ve lost a loved one to cancer and I know a little girl that has just recently beaten Leukaemia, and I think that with that money they’d be able to continue with their research but also give people that do have cancer a little bit more help to make sure they are living life to the fullest. 


How many languages can you speak?

English, Australian and American! I did French at school, but I could never really get the hang of it!

