As the programme approaches its conclusion, the West Ham United Foundation reflects on the transformative work of its 150Club scheme.
Commissioned by North East London Clinical Commissioning Group (NELCCG) and Newham Council, the 150Club has been delivered in partnership with Active Newham, the Staywell Network and Community Neighborhood. The programme has sought to use the power of football and sport to inspire residents to become more active, maintain a healthy weight and reduce their health risk.

Available to participants over 18-years-old at risk of cardiovascular disease and/or type 2 diabetes, the 150Club takes its name from the NHS-recommended weekly 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity.
With Newham being the borough with the second-highest predicted prevalence rate of type 2 diabetes in England, the work the 150Club has done to implement effective diabetes prevention and management strategies has been invaluable to the health and wellbeing of the community. Especially considering that more than 24,500 of its residents are currently diagnosed with diabetes.
Since its inception in 2016, the free award-winning community prescription programme for Newham residents has seen close to 1,600 people completing the 12-week course.
Throughout their time with the 150Club, patients are offered a free weekly session from a range of physical activities from Zumba to Swimming as well as lifestyle advisor support to help them complete the programme, combat these issues and continue with their improved healthy lifestyle.
Aydin Vehit, who has lived in Newham for 50 years, described how the programme transformed his outlook on health and wellbeing, helping him develop and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
“I was out of shape, got out of breath easily and lacked confidence due to high stress levels before I joined the 150Club,” he noted. “I was worried I wouldn't be able to cope with the exercise sessions. I used to exercise and weight train years ago, but over time my commitment to it decreased due to age, family and work commitments, and my weight increased as a result.

“But when I walked into the gym session, it all came back to me. I started slowly and built up my levels gradually. The group and instructor were friendly, and there was no sense of competition. I felt my confidence improved a lot, and my fitness has improved. The programme also helped me cope with stress better. I can actually run now too!"
Like many 150Club completers before him, Vehit is one of the 96 per cent of participants who reported that they continue with their physical activity after completing the programme, with 75 per cent taking up a gym membership to continue their journey. Additionally, 83 per cent of participants report changing their diet to improve their overall health.
The programme's success in promoting long-term changes in physical activity and addressing the issue of diabetes prevention was recognised by the BT Sports Industry Awards, where it won the Best Community Programme award in 2018.
After seven successful years of serving the community in Newham, the 150Club programme is currently undergoing a transitioning period. Its new phase will consist of a multi-component weight management and movement provision managed by Xyla Health and Wellbeing.
WHUF Health Manager Hervé Bessières concluded: “We are grateful for the support and engagement of all those who have participated in the 150Club programme and look forward to continued progress in diabetes prevention and management in our community.”