Joseph Anang

Derby loan, best holiday and speedy swimmers | Any Questions with Joseph Anang

Young goalkeeper Joseph Anang is next to try our pot of random questions…

What has been your best moment in football so far? 

"I would say when I went to Derby County on loan. I had a good time there. For me, it was a shock when I found out they wanted me. Derby is such a big club and I was on loan in Ireland at the time, but it was incredible to find out they wanted me there. It was a big moment to go there." 


How many languages can you speak? 

"I can speak English, of course, and I can also speak two other languages as well from back home, in Ghana, which are Ga and Twi."


Tell us one random fact about yourself.

"I’m scared of going broke. Genuinely scared of it. I know a lot of people will share that feeling as well."

Joseph Anang for derby

What is the best thing about living around London? 

"The transport system is pretty good in London. I know everyone likes to have a moan about it, but it’s very easy to get around. You can get on the Underground or a bus and be anywhere you want pretty quickly."


What is your favourite holiday destination? 

"I went to Tenerife in the summer and it was really good there. The weather was so nice and the beaches were beautiful. So I would say Tenerife right now. But I do like to see different places. Every year, when I go on holiday, I try to go somewhere new."


What is your favourite film? 

"I’m not a massive film person but I would say Shooter. Mark Wahlberg was in it and it’s about a soldier who is framed for murder. It is very good."


Do you think there ever be a man who can swim faster than a shark? 

"That will be impossible. A shark lives in water and is designed to move quickly through the water. I think we have seen some very fast swimmers but no one will ever be able to out-swim a shark! It’s like saying there will be a shark that can walk quicker than a person."

Anang training

What is your biggest pet peeve? 

"I would say people that complain too much. You can normally figure out a situation with the right attitude. That’s my mentality anyway."


What do you think you would be if you weren’t a footballer? 

"If you ask me this question when I was back home, as a youngster, I would have said something like a doctor or a scientist. But now I’m older, I would still want to do something in sports. I wouldn’t want to be a coach but perhaps I would be an agent."


Who is the most exciting footballer in the world right now, in your opinion? 

"For me, it has to be Erling Haaland. He’s a machine. An absolute monster up front. He scores goals for fun so I’ll say him."

