DT38 Foundation - the Charity set up in memory of late West Ham United striker Dylan Tombides - needs your help to combat the affect of the COVID-19 pandemic...
In the year DT38 Foundation marks its fifth anniversary of raising awareness of testicular cancer, the charity has been moved to launch an appeal for support following a difficult period caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
DT38 Foundation was set up in memory of the late Hammers forward Dylan Tombides, who lost his battle with cancer on 18 April 2014, aged just 20, and launched by the Tombides family at Upton Park a year later.
With the support of the Club, the charity's message has since reached millions of boys and men around the world with key information about the risks of the testicular cancer – the most common type of cancer among young men.
In February, DT38 launched Check-1-Two initiative, spearheaded by a group of international footballers who are proud ambassadors for the charity, to remind men to check down under on the first of every month, and seek medical assistance immediately if they discover anything untoward.
While DT38 continues to work tirelessly to share this message with as many people as possible, as a charity entirely reliant upon fundraising and donations, the Foundation has sadly experienced a dramatic fall in income because of the pandemic.
Our future is genuinely under threat and until we can get back out there to host our fundraising events once again, we need some urgent help please. That is why we launched the 3.80 Appeal
Tracy Tombides
Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the charity has been forced to cancel a series of fundraising events, including the DT38 Awareness Day which was due to take place at the original Premier League fixture with Burnley at London Stadium in April, a star-studded golf day, quiz night and fundraising races and events in both England and Dylan's native Australia.
To help make up for those cancellations, DT38 has set up the ‘3.80 Funding Appeal’ in a bid to secure the necessary funding for its future. It is seeking donations of £3.80 on the understanding that all donations received at DT38 are used to help raise awareness of testicular cancer and save the lives of men and boys. You can donate now by clicking here.
As a Principal Charity Partner of West Ham United, DT38 thrived over the past five years because of the generous and kind-hearted support of so many people.
But Tracy Tombides, founder of DT38 and mother of Dylan, said the emergence of COVID-19 has put the charity’s very existence at risk.

“Every year DT38 has continued to reach out to more men and boys with information about the disease,” she confirmed. “As a mother who lost a son to the testicular cancer it makes me extremely proud that we have been able to help save the lives of other people in this way.
“We regularly receive moving messages of gratitude from men who say it is because of DT38 and Dylan’s story that they had the awareness to check themselves and detect early signs of the disease.
“To increase the chances of survival it is so important that testicular cancer is diagnosed early, that is why we work so hard to educate people about self-checking and that must continue to protect our men and boys.
“But we live in very difficult times and our normal way of doing things has very much been postponed.
“2020 has been an extremely difficult year for charities like DT38 and we have been forced to cancel all events across the summer, our income has ‘fallen off a cliff’, as they say.
“Honesty speaking, this has had a massive impact on our fundraising for the year and we need your help now more than ever.
“Our future is genuinely under threat and until we can get back out there to host our fundraising events once again, we need some urgent help please.
“That is why we launched the 3.80 Appeal.

“Everyone who donates to the Appeal can do so in the knowledge that they will directly help save a charity that has worked so hard to protect our men and boys from testicular cancer, a horrific disease that took my son at the age of just 20.
“Dylan was a Hammer, he was extremely proud to play for the Club, he is honoured on Champions Place at London Stadium alongside Bobby Moore, and with the Dylan Tombides Learning Centre at our famed Academy at Chadwell Health. I’m so very proud that the West Ham family continue to support us.
“Times are tough but if you’re able to help us with a donation of £3.80, or a little more if you can afford it, we will be extremely grateful, thank you.”
The DT38 Vision
Our vision is to change the way testicular cancer is diagnosed by implementing best practice diagnostic guidelines for patients who present with testicular symptoms. We also aim to arm future generations of young men with the necessary knowledge about testicular cancer that will enable them to be confident when taking health matters into their own hands.
The DT38 Mission
Our mission is to raise awareness and change the stigma associated with men’s health issues with a focus on testicular cancer. We aim to do this through providing educational programmes and opportunities for the youth of our community, to help shape a generation of children who are self- aware about their health and wellbeing.
Self-examination is simple
Testicular cancer is the most-common cancer in men under 35, but almost all cases can be cured if spotted and treated early. Warning signs include a hard lump about the size of a pea, slight enlargement of a testicle, a dull ache in the groin or lower abdomen, pain, swelling or discomfort in the testicles or scrotum and a sore on the tip of the penis that irritates or will not heal.
Self-examination is simple and takes only a few moments every month. Know what your testicles feel like normally. Gently roll each testicle between your thumb and fingers. Feel for a lump on the front or side of the testicle If you are concerned, see your doctor or visit a sexual health clinic immediately.
Delay is deadly. Get educated.
*Every year around 2,200 men and boys in the UK are diagnosed with testicular cancer. To find out more about DT38 Foundation, their awareness work and how to check for signs of testicular disease visit dt38.co.uk