Pablo Zabaleta: Backstory


Former West Ham United defender Pablo Zabaleta has announced his retirement from professional football.

From Arrecifes, Buenos Aires, to the stage of London Stadium – via glory with Espanyol, Lionel Messi, the most dramatic of Premier League titles and the small matter of a World Cup Final – there are few sights in football that the serial winner did not witness during his career.

The Argentina right-back’s distinguished career affords him an authority which naturally induces fascination – his experiences, his anecdotes, gold dust to any football supporter.

Having only initially intended to play in England for a short period of his career, Zabaleta went on to ply his trade in this country’s top tier for more than a decade.

A favourite at Manchester City and subsequently West Ham United, with three seasons in Claret and Blue under his belt, the right-back departed the Club during the 2019/20 season and has now brought to an end a glittering career of 18 successful seasons. 

It was with eager anticipation, therefore, that earlier this year, West Ham TV sat down with the 35-year-old, who gave us all just a few snapshots of some of the incredible moments which marked his career: Pablo Zabaleta’s Backstory.

Enjoy the video, and loads more feature content, on West Ham United’s Official YouTube channel!

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