Martha Thomas takes the hot-seat to answer the tough questions about her fellow West Ham players…
Who is the funniest?
It’s definitely Kate Longhurst. She always wanting to make sure that everyone is having a good time. She is always dancing or giving banter.
Most likely to become a coach?
I could see Tessel Middag doing it. She is very tactical. I don’t think I’ve played with a player who thinks as tactically as she does when she’s on the pitch. She will pull people over during training to talk about different things as well, so I could see her being a coach.

Who has the best skills?
I’m convinced Laura Vetterlein could actually be a freestyle juggler. She’s always doing things with the ball that I couldn’t even imagine trying, so it’s definitely her.
Who is the longest getting ready after a match?
I want to say Kate again, but I honestly think it’s only because she’s still out doing extra sprints on the field! She is my lift home so I have to wait for her.
Who has the weirdest pre-match routine?
I myself have to put my right sock on, then my left sock, and then my boots on in the same order. I can’t ever do it in a different order, otherwise bad things will happen!
Who is the team DJ?
I think Gilly Flaherty takes responsibility for DJing during our prehab, before the training session begins.

Who is the last to arrive in the morning?
It’s probably Jacynta Galabadaarachchi. She would say she’s the earliest though. We’ll have meetings starting and someone will say ‘where’s Jacynta?’
Who has a hidden talent?
Can I say a member of the coaching team? Our old strength and conditioning coach, Paul Parker could apparently put his foot behind his head. He’s about 6’8” as well, which makes it even more impressive.
Who loses their temper the quickest?
There are quite a few people. I know I can lose my temper quite a bit and I’m sure a few girls have said me for this one as well. It’s probably me or Kate. We’ve been known to scream a bad word during training once or twice.
Who is your best friend in the squad?
It’s probably Courtney Brosnan. We were both with Le Havre in France last year before we came here, so we had a head start.