Club appeal to fans to support injured Hammer Harry Cross

Harry Cross


West Ham United are appealing for supporters to rally behind fellow fan Harry Cross after he was seriously hurt while travelling in Thailand.

Harry, 29, was injured when the motorcycle he was riding was involved in a collision with a truck and the lifelong Hammer was dragged along the road, suffering serious damage to his right leg.

The former East Ham Working Men’s Club barman was rushed to hospital, where scans showed a shattered pelvis, multiple broken bones and three broken ribs. He underwent surgery and his right leg was amputated above the knee.

A gofundme page has been set up by his friend James Bailey to raise the £35,000 required to pay Harry’s medical bills, with more than 500 people, including West Ham Joint-Chairman David Sullivan, donating nearly £17,500 since the appeal was launched six days ago.

To make a donation, click here.