#50GreatestHammers to be revealed!

50 Greatest Hammers


Nearly 1,000 players have pulled on a West Ham United shirt since the Club was formed as Thames Ironworks FC in 1895.

In the 123 years since, many have achieved greatness, setting outstanding personal landmarks and inspiring the Hammers to historic victories.

With thousands of goals scored and created and clean sheets kept, hundreds of matches won and a host of trophies held aloft, West Ham’s stars have shone brightly on many occasions – but whose star has shone brightest?

That is the question whufc.com posed to a panel of esteemed and knowledgeable supporters, historians and former players with the aim of ranking the #50GreatestHammers of all-time in association with Official Sleeve Partner Basset & Gold!


Paolo Di Canio and Bobby Moore are among the 50 Greatest Hammers


From early 20th century goal machines Syd Puddefoot and Vic Watson, through post-war stalwarts Ernie Gregory, John Dick and Vic Keeble, the legends of the Club’s golden period of the 1960s, the Boys of ’86 to the modern-day heroes of the 2000s, our experts ranked their top 50 players, with their nominations amalgamated into a final #50GreatestHammers shortlist.

Over the next few weeks, to whet the appetite ahead of the 2018/19 Premier League season, we will count down from 50 to eleven before giving you, our fans, the chance to rank the top ten, climaxing in the revealing of the greatest player in the Club’s long and illustrious history.

Keep an eye on whufc.com and our official social channels over the coming weeks for details of how you can cast your vote.

To kick-off the #50GreatestHammers countdown, we today reveal the players ranked 50 and 49 on our list – Bobby Zamora and Ted Hufton.