Noble & Adrian visit Richard House

It was another special day for the young children at Richard House Hospice after club skipper Mark Noble and Adrian spent the afternoon supporting such a great cause in Beckton.

Noble has a special affiliation with the Hospice having grown up just down the road and has been a patron for a number of years.

The Hammers midfielder donated part of his Testimonial proceeds to Richard House and has forged a number of close relationships – including some special young friends.

Noble cannot praise the staff enough for the sacrifices and hard work they put in to support the youngsters and says it makes him realise how fortunate he is to be a Premier League footballer.

Noble said: “This is something that means a lot to me. Some of the proceeds from my Testimonial came to Richard House and I wanted to see how everyone is getting on.

“The staff do an amazing job and you don't really appreciate until you come here how lucky you are. It puts life into perspective every time you come here.

“When people hear the word hospice, you know what that means. It is not a nice word and no-one likes it. But you have got to face it and the job the staff do and the patience they have is incredible.

“You see us playing with the kids for ten minutes and water being chucked about and the kids squirting everyone, the staff have this all the time and they deserve a lot of credit.

“I didn't realise until I had kids how hard it is for them. It is not going great at West Ham at the moment, but you come to places like this and realise there is a lot worse things going on in the world.

“It is nice to come here and realise that life is not really that bad. We all want the results to turn around and I am sure they will, but places like this make you realise what is important in the world.

“I know our results affect a lot of people and as captain I feel it as much as anyone else because winning games is very important.”


Adrian was also pleased he could put a smile on the few of the youngsters and also paid tribute to the hard work that is done by everyone at Richard House.

Adrian said: “It is great to spend some time with the children. They probably don't know much about us but they enjoyed playing with the ball and the water. It is a great thing.

“This is real life and it is great that we can provide the opportunity for them to have a smile on their face. The staff do an amazing job every day to support the children when they have difficult moments.

“The children need maximum support and they need help from the beginning and the staff help them so much.

“It is a great thing for the Club to show their support towards such a great cause.”