Shining review for Bo66y movie

Mark Webster reviews the film dedicated to West Ham's "favourite son"
Broadcaster and lifelong West Ham fan Mark Webster reviews a film dedicated to Hammers legend Bobby Moore...

Bobby Moore is our favourite son. Of that, I feel, there can be no doubt. He was the local boy who made good. The underdog who beat the odds and lived his dream. The man who helped reinvent his craft. And make the number 6 his own.
But he is not ours exclusively. We do not own Bobby Moore. He is bigger than one football club. Indeed, he is bigger than a nation. He is in fact, one of international football’s greatest players. And most important icons. All of which we should all be extraordinarily proud of.
And all of which made me very pleased that Matt Lorenzo’s wonderful new documentary film ‘Bo66y’ received its premier at Wembley Stadium. As you may have noticed, over the last couple of years, the Boleyn Ground has had its own unique tale to tell.
Wembley, though, is just beginning the process of celebrating the latest chapter of its story -  the golden anniversary of England’s 1966 World Cup triumph, that took place behind its historical twin towers. The fact that there is now a swooping arch where once they stood, is further proof - as if WE need reminding - that football moves on. But that we should never forget what has gone before.
‘Bo66y’ is full of people who are happy to remind us of that fact, in relation to the man who was family, friend, teammate or just hero, plain and simple.
Through the astute storytelling of director Ron Scalpello, we learn about the forward-thinking football club he was to join, then go on to add his own dimension to, in what they were trying to create and build. We see the young Bobby start to come of age in 1962 in the World Cup in Chile, before 4 years later leading his country to their one and only Final victory. During which Ron skilfully weaves Bobby’s back story as a post war East End baby who was then fundamentally helped to make our particular corner of London hip (I know, very Shoreditch!) during the Swinging Sixties.
But then of course there was the Bogata incident before Mexico 1970, and the painful demise of England in 1974. Yet not once do we see Bobby flap, sulk or feel sorry for himself. Not do we hear anyone for one second imply that he didn’t deal with everything that came at him in life as he did on the football field - with style, and class. That of course includes the dark secrets he kept so close to him about his terrible ilnesses. And the fact he was so badly let down by his country’s governing body and, to be frank, the regime at West Ham at the time.
Of course, the football club has since placed Bobby back where he belongs, as has the FA. Although there was never the need to fix what wasn’t broke with West Ham fans and the footballing public.
Meaning, Moore, number six, is forever formally etched into the game’s history.