Noble ready for 'huge night'

Captain Mark Noble pens a special Farewell Boleyn blog ahead of the Final Game against Manchester United on Tuesday evening
Hello everyone.

Well, what can I say? Tuesday is going to be a huge night for everyone associated with West Ham United, for so many reasons.

We have been speaking about our Final Game here at the Boleyn Ground for the past couple of years, but it always seemed like something that was going to happen ages in the future. Well, now that day is almost here.

I don’t mind admitting that I will be feeling emotional on Tuesday night. I’ve been coming to this place since I was a kid, when my Dad used to bring me to matches.

Then I got signed by West Ham and played here for the youth team, then I made my first-team debut at 17 and walked home to Canning Town afterwards.

Since then, we’ve been promoted twice, relegated, reached the FA Cup final and had so, so many unforgettable afternoons and nights here.

There are so many memories that spring to mind when I think of this place – my debut, scoring my first goal, the Great Escape, victories over the best teams in the country, waving to my wife and kids in the stand, my Testimonial – that I could fill this whole website writing about them!

?Well, on Tuesday night I will say farewell to the Boleyn after nearly three decades of coming here to watch and then play for my team, and after that all I will have are those memories.
I turned 29 on Sunday and I want Tuesday to be a celebration, too, not only of the Boleyn Ground and of the fantastic season we have had, but of a victory that will give us a great chance of playing European football at our new Stadium next season.

I won’t dwell too long on Saturday’s game, because it was just a blip and it serves no purpose going over it and digging ourselves out. We didn’t take our chances and Swansea did – simple as that.

We still have a chance of finishing in the top six, but to do so we will need to play well, both on Tuesday night and at Stoke on Sunday.

Whatever happens, we have so many things to be proud of this season – a season I have enjoyed more than any other in my career.

We have set a new record for points and goals scored in the Premier League and we have not been doubled by anyone – a hat-trick of achievements in what is a really difficult league full of top teams.

I want to thank everyone who has made this season possible. First, my teammates, who have shown amazing spirit and togetherness. Second, Slaven and his staff, who have prepared us brilliantly and supported me as captain.

Third, I want to thank the owners and Karren Brady for everything they have done away from the pitch, whether that was signing some top players and securing them on long contracts or all the hard work that has gone into getting the Club ready for the move. Fourth, thanks to my family and friends for always being there for me.

Last but not least, I want to thank every single one of you for your amazing support this season. Yet again, wherever we have been, you have been there in your thousands, out-singing the opposition fans and creating fantastic atmospheres that we have thrived on so often.

On Tuesday, like me, you will be bidding farewell to a stadium that you know and love. The Boleyn Ground has been great to us, and it is right that we show it the respect it deserves.

Please try as best as you can to enjoy the game, and the post-match ceremony, which promises to be a spectacular show that we will never, ever forget.

Come on you Irons!
