The Greatest Goal

Paolo Di Canio and Trevor Sinclair reminisce over the finest strike in the 112-year history of the Boleyn Ground
On 26 March 2000, Trevor Sinclair crossed from the right and Paolo Di Canio scored in a 2-1 Premier League win over Wimbledon at the Boleyn Ground.

What that description does not reveal is that the England winger’s 40-yard diagonal pass was volleyed past Neil Sullivan by a sensational Di Canio scissor-kick.

Of the thousands of goals scored at the historic home of West Ham United, it has been picked as the best – the very best – ever! Here, the two protagonists recall the day they made Hammers history…
Trevor Sinclair: I played a small part [in the goal], it was a bit of a shank…

Paolo Di Canio: No, it was a big part!

TS: What happened after that was absolutely mind-blowing and the celebration wasn’t bad either. I think the fans still appreciate what Paolo did on that day.

PDC: Trevor, it’s not true! He played a big part because his delivery was absolutely fantastic, otherwise I could not have kicked the ball in this manner. I remember Mark Kennedy from Wimbledon was there. To be honest, I don’t know how it happened. We used to try things in training, but normally from the middle of the goal. From a wide area, it was really, really difficult. I need to thank Trevor and God, because just for one goal, it was a magical moment, even though it wasn’t in a Champions League final! Thanks to Trevor and all the fans as we celebrated together.

TS: This goal has been voted the greatest ever to be scored at the Boleyn Ground. We’ve only got a few games left here, and of all the players who have played here, including some of the 1966 World Cup winners, your goal was voted the best.

PDC: Trevor, the history in this ground is incredible. Just now, I have realised that it was voted the best goal ever in this ground and in this ground’s history. I couldn’t imagine the people from young to old gave their vote to my goal. People can remember me and my goal for the rest of their live. It’s a great honour and privilege and I hope West Ham win all the final games…but my goal remains the best!

TS: We just hope that Paolo’s goal inspires the future players for West Ham in the new stadium in years to come!