The Boleyn Insider

The Boleyn Insider returns with news on the Club's search for a striker

With the transfer window drawing to a close, speculation in the media is understandably reaching a crescendo so I thought an update would be appreciated.

The Board have been clear over the past few weeks that their priority is to recruit a new striker and I understand that remains the case.

I am told that no less than four bids have been lodged for forwards over the past 48 hours and, crucially, these are all for players currently based overseas. I understand some of the names have been in the press but others have not and they have been deliberately kept under the radar to avoid alerting rivals.

I am led to believe that the Club feel that the overseas market currently offers much better value for money than the UK, which is why the focus has switched to the continent.

My sources indicate there is hope one of those approaches will bear fruit this week and if that proves successful the Club will then turn its attention to recruiting a new midfielder, the other position that is still deemed to need strengthening. I understand that the club’s interest in Alex Song continues and talks with the relevant representatives are progressing well so he provides a solid option if required.

There has also been a lot paper talk about a new goalkeeper joining the Club this week and I can reveal that any movement in that area would depend on the outcome of Tuesday’s appeal against Adrian’s red card against Leicester. Should that not be successful, the Club will reconsider its options in that area.

The views in this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of West Ham United