Demel on the mend

Guy Demel is on the mend after suffering a severe concussion in the victory at Cardiff City.

The West Ham United right-back was knocked unconscious in an accidental clash with fellow defender Roger Johnson eight minutes into the game in South Wales. He was immediately tended to by Club medical staff and the on-site pitch rescue team and treated on the turf for nine minutes being stretchered off.

The No20 was taken to a Cardiff hospital, where he spent the night under observation before being discharged and allowed to return home the following day - accompanied by physio Frazer Young.

Speaking for the first time since his injury, Demel admitted he could not remember anything of West Ham's victory and thanked the medical team for the attention they gave him throughout a worrying ordeal.

"I don't remember anything about it," he admitted. "It was hard to look at the video, but I saw some pictures so I know what happened, but I cannot remember anything for 48 hours before the incident happened. I don't remember travelling to Cardiff or the match or anything.

"The first thing I can remember is waking up in hospital and they asked me where I was and I didn't know. I knew I was in hospital but I thought I was in London because my last memory was of being at home.

"Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. I was very confused for a couple of days after it happened but now I'm feeling better. It is really hard when you cannot remember things, even if it was only for two days. I had a headache, so it was hard for a few days after, but now I'm feeling better."

Demel said his family had learnt of his injury and were concerned with the initial reports that he had suffered a head injury and a dislocated elbow. While the alarming images showed the Ivorian had landed heavily on his arm, he thankfully did not suffer any injury to the limb.

As for his head, the defender did suffer a severe concussion and the Club are taking every precaution before allowing Demel to return to training.

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Guy Demel was tended to quickly at the Cardiff City Stadium

"The doctor said to me that I had suffered a severe concussion and it was a serious one because I had been unconscious for a lot of minutes. They also had to put a tube in my mouth because my blood was going backwards down my throat. They said that when I woke up, I couldn't speak for an hour and a half and then I slowly started to come back around.

"Actually, I would like to thank the medical team because their reaction was really good, really quick and they made the right decisions. I would also like to thank God because you never know what can happen in your life and I am happy to be here. Now, I am getting right.

"The Club has been really good. They have not put any pressure on me and I have started doing things at my own pace, like some running and some core work. Day after day, we watching how my body reacts, so we are trying to make sure we don't take it forward too fast before I start training again."

While he cannot remember anything of his trip to Wales, Demel said news of West Ham's 2-0 victory had boosted his spirits as he laid in his hospital bed.

"The doctor told me that when I woke up, I couldn't remember the game, so he told me that we had won. I kept asking him every few minutes because I couldn't remember. It wasn't that I didn't believe him!

"It was an important win for us because got some points on board. We're not in the position that we should be with the quality that we have, but we can go forward and improve our position in the table."