A message from the Vice-Chairman

I would like to thank the many thousands of supporters who have taken the time to complete the independent SMG YouGov poll and offer their feedback on the potential move to the Olympic Stadium in Stratford.

We ran the online poll ran for a week [from Tuesday 23 April to Tuesday 30 April] and we offered you, the fans, the chance to provide detailed feedback on a range of topics from transport to ticketing and atmosphere to attendance, along with a final say on whether you supported the move or not.

We are now eagerly awaiting the results from SMG YouGov and we will look forward to sharing the key findings on our club channels before the end of the season.

The experts at SMG YouGov will now begin analysing the results before sending a report to the Club that lists the poll's key findings. We will share the results with you as soon as have we them so keep your eye on whufc.com.

It's important that I stress at this stage that although this is the conclusion of the poll, it does not mean that our consultation with our supporters is over, if anything it's just the beginning.

If SMGYouGov find that our supporters are behind the move then we can really get to work on the detailed elements of move. There are so many areas that we will need to work on together - from the look and feel of the stadium to the match day experience and of course how to say a fitting farewell to the Boleyn Ground.

We have also released another weekly Q+A, which answers another set of the most common queries we've been sent through [email protected]. Please send in any more questions you might have as we'll be answering more next week.

These are truly historic times for West Ham United and I'm pleased we can rely on the knowledge, passion and dedication of our loyal supporters to help make this decision the best possible step forward for the Club.

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Karren Brady