Hammers mark Paralympic anniversary

On the very first anniversary of the Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony, West Ham United Community Sports Trust showcased their unstinting support of disabled sport.

Having already teamed up with the National Autistic Society this summer, the Trust remain as committed as ever to delivering high-quality sports provision for all.

To that end, Paralympian Bulbul Hussain turned out at the Trust's Beckton base to celebrate the anniversary in style, casting his eye over the next generation of prospective Paralympians.

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Hussain fielded questions about his Paralympic exploits

And he was in good company too, with England Cerebral Palsy football regular Emyle Rudder putting a young disability group through their paces.

Twenty-two-year-old England senior Rudder, who started out at community courses akin to those at Beckton, could not speak highly enough of the scheme on show.

He told West Ham TV: "It's really important that kids have access to coaching, because look where I am now! It gives them a ladder to success. This coaching pushes them in the right direction and then it's down to them to work hard and how much they want it."

Wheelchair rugby veteran Hussain was part of the Great Britain side that finished fifth at London 2012 and he could scarcely believe that it has been a year since he stepped out at the Olympic Stadium.

The Bangladesh-born Paralympian now hails from Tower Hamlets and was as proud as anyone to see disabled sport being championed on his door step.

"It doesn't feel like a year, the time has flown by," he explained. "The opening ceremony in Stratford was amazing. I was in Beijing, but this was different. The memories will stay with me for a long, long time.

"The Stadium's amazing. Once the GB team entered the arena, the fans, your friends and family are all cheering for you, it's an amazing feeling."

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The children were fiercely competitive in a small-sided game

Meanwhile, Newham Councillor and WHUCST trustee, Unmesh Desai, was thrilled to see the spirit and legacy of the Paralympic Games in fine health in east London.

"What better way to mark the anniversary than by being out here," he confirmed. "It was an inclusive Games and we've got to keep that spirit up, with this being part of it!

"These children are part of the big West Ham family, which is part of the wider community. This is bringing people together, which is what sport is all about.

"For me, events like these are as much part of the Olympic spirit and the Olympic Games itself, as those glorious days in August 2012. The Trust are absolutely integral. It's part of the local community, it's part of the fabric of east London and Essex."

Head of Community Joseph Lyons subsequently outlined the Trust's on-going commitment to providing inclusive sporting activity.

In addition to delivering an array of multi-sport sessions, the Trust are currently training all of their staff in partnership with Interactive, a London organisation advocating disability equality in sport.

"We're really looking forward to this year's activity, where we intend to break down yet more barriers to participation, while working extensively with community groups to tackle prejudiced attitudes towards inclusion.

"To have a Paralympian with us today was a huge boost for everyone and we're all hugely grateful to Bulbul for taking the time to support us."