Supporter Consultation FAQs

Olympic Stadium Independent Supporter Consultation FAQs

Who can take part in the poll?

The poll will be open to a cross section of supporters aged 18 and over including Bondholders, Season Ticket holders, Academy members, Corporate members and match attenders. The Club was keen to ensure that every Bondholder, Season Ticket Holder and Corporate Seasonal Member i.e. those that currently attend every match week- in week- out were prioritised.

This is why for supporters who are in one of these high relationship categories but for whatever reason have not registered their email address with us to enable us to contact them via this means, there is the opportunity to be registered and verified via the online link. This means each and every supporter that falls into one of these categories can take part.

YouGov have also selected a range of Academy Members and recent match attenders that reflect a fair representation of the database in line with standard protocol for carrying out polls of this nature.

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How will I receive the poll?

Anyone who is part of the YouGov determined sample who the club hold a valid email address for, and who are subscribed to West Ham United emails, will receive the YouGov link to the poll on Tuesday 23rdApril 2013 directly from the Club and will be invited to participate.

If you believe you fit the criteria but have not received an email it may be that we hold your data and you qualify but you haven't provided us with an email address or have asked us not to contact you via this method. If that is the case you have the opportunity to enter here via where your data can be verified.

Can you enter the poll via the club's official website?

Yes. If you're entering the poll via the link on you will need to enter your correct details. These must match with the details that the club hold for you on their ticketing database to enable verification that you are eligible. If verified by YouGov you will be able to continue to take the poll.

I think I fit with the YouGov criteria but I am unable to take the poll?

If the personal details you are using don't match those held by the club or you are not part of the supporter sample you will not be able to take the poll.

If you need to check the details the club hold you can log in to your account on YouGov sample had a cut-off date of 11 April so only supporters who fit the sample criteria before this date will be able to take the poll.

What is the deadline to submit your poll entry?

You will have up until midnight on Tuesday 30 April 2013 to submit your opinions.

Can I forward the poll on to my family and friends?

If you send someone the email containing the link to take the poll they will only be able to proceed if they are verified as part of the YouGov sample and if they haven't already completed the poll.

I think meet the required criteria but I have not received the email. Can I still take part?

If the personal details you are using don't match those held by the club or you are not part of the supporter sample you will not be able to take the poll.

If you need to check the details the club hold you can log in to your account on The YouGov sample had a cut-off date of 11 April so only supporters who fit the sample criteria before this date will be able to take the poll.

If you think you're eligible, have checked your details but still cannot access the poll email YouGov on [email protected].