Manager on Monday

Sam Allardyce is expecting a tough Bank Holiday Monday test as West Ham United seek to finish the job they started in Wales on Thursday.

Big Sam's side lead Cardiff City 2-0 at the half-way point in their npower Championship Play-Off semi-final, but the manager does not want to see his side merely sit back and protect their lead. Instead, he believes the first goal in the game will be crucial and therefore wants to make sure it his side that grab it.

"It would have helped if we'd got the third as two goals is a margin that is difficult for Cardiff but one that they will think they can claw back if they get the first goal or we feel nervy or edgy and try to protect what we've got," Big Sam said.

"My job is to mentally prepare them that they need to approach the game that it's 0-0 and try to win. We're playing at home and we need to try to repeat the performance we've seen against Brighton and Hull City.

"They were both outstanding and we have to make sure we get the first goal as we did in Cardiff. That will then dispirit Cardiff from then on in. We need to be on the front foot and give a positive performance."

A full house awaits the two teams with the last few tickets selling out on Friday morning and Big Sam knows that the Hammers faithful will be expecting his team to carry on where they left off in south Wales.

"We've not got to get too carried away. It was a great performance and a great result but there is still a long way to go and a lot can happen. We've just got to be as professional on Monday as we were on Thursday and then my players will see us through.

"There will be no over-confidence. There might be a slight thought in the back of some people's minds that we should try to protect what we've got but that would be dangerous as that has got to last for 90 minutes.

"We are playing at home in front of a full house and they will expect us to entertain them and create lots of chances in the opposition box to score goals."

The first leg was hugely successful for the east London side, who sealed the victory through two first-half goals from Jack Collison. At the other end of the pitch, Robert Green and his defenders were also superb in withstanding strong second-half pressure from the Bluebirds.

"We started to probe and then we got two very good goals in the first half. It was a really good first half. The second half was a little different as Cardiff had to send more men forward and we had to cope with that but the counter-attacking football was excellent and we created a few more chances.

"Not conceding a goal was the most important job in the second half and we did that so a 2-0 win is very gratefully received."

Big Sam was also hugely impressed with the mental toughness his side showed during the first-leg. Some would have thought the disappointment of not catching Southampton on the final day might have affected the Hammers' form in the Play-Offs, but certainly on the evidence of the first leg, nothing could be further from the truth.

"There's no time to feel sorry for ourselves if we want our ultimate goal. In the last three games we were relying on other people.

"I told the players before the first leg that it is in our hands again and we are starting on an even keel. Whoever wins takes the trophy so we're not playing catch-up - it's just about delivering a performance and then moving on from that performance to the next one. We have to try to win every game we play."

Allardyce was full of praise for Collison's contribution in the country he represents at international level. The 23-year-old was rested for the final-day meeting with Hull City - a decision that clearly paid off in his manager's eyes.

"He plays in Wales and he will be thrilled with what he achieved. He carried on where he left off at Leicester away. I had him in mind that if we got to the Play-Offs I would rest him for the home game against Hull City as Jack has a knee injury that needs looking after so keeping him fresh for Cardiff paid off."