Captain's blog

Here we are at the start of a big week for us all with three games coming up.

Firstly at Burnley on Saturday and then we go straight into playing at Peterborough on Tuesday before facing Reading next Saturday.

We are just concentrating on ourselves and getting results from these games and I firmly believe we are going to have a good run-in. I am looking forward to it and so are the rest of the lads, as it is going to be an exciting schedule. It is back-to-back games but this what this league is all about and you know that you play one game and around the very next corner, there is another.

We have genuine belief that we can come away from these matches with the results we need. We have sometimes let ourselves down at times when we haven't finished off other teams when we should have but the commitment to do well, to try and win every game that we can and the desire to do well is there with all of us, each and every one.

I have been delighted with the response of the lads again this week with their attitude to keep plugging away.

It is for us to stand up and be counted, we are aware that we need to turn some of these draws into wins and that is what we will be trying to do in these games coming up. We have been in and around the top positions, including the top of the table all season, I think that is a reflection on how we have been doing - now we are looking to get a winning run going from now until the end of the season.

Thank you to all our fans who will be travelling to Burnley to cheer us on, we hope to reward your support with a win.

A few things to mention this week - welcome to our new lads, Danny Collins and Stephen Henderson. Dan is a good lad and he has already made his mark with a goal [at Leeds] a week ago so hopefully he can continue where he left off and Stephen is a good quality keeper who will be a good addition alongside Greeny.

It is also great news this week about the continuing progress of Fabrice Muamba - he still obviously has a long way to go, but all we hope is that he gets back to a normal life. I know Fabrice well and he is fighter and I am sure you share my view, in that he is in our thoughts.

Finally, the lads will be wearing T-shirts for Sport Relief today ahead of our game with Burnley, it is a great cause and one which I am sure will receive the support it needs to try and change lives of many people for the better.

Come on you Irons!

Kevin Nolan