A poem for Dylan

West Ham United fan and poet Gary Steer has written a poem to wish Academy striker Dylan Tombides well as battles back from serious illness.

Gary spent time in hospital when he was younger and knows what a tough experience it can be so he felt compelled to write this poem to show that he, like everyone else at the club, is right behind the 17-year-old, who is  having treatment for testicular cancer. Dylan, who is currently recovering is hospital after surgery to remove his Lymph nodes from his abdomen, recently thanked West Ham United fans for their support after receiving over 400 messages from fans wishing him well.

The first-team squad also showed that they were thinking of Dylan at last Saturday's match with Nottingham Forest by wearing special T-shirts during the warm up 

Captain Kevin Nolan said: "We all want to show our support for Dylan - he and his family are going through what must be a difficult time, but he is a strong lad and character and we know that he can get through all of this."

Get well soon Dylan by Gary Steer

Everyone's behind you
Everyone in sport
Wishing you well
You have so much support

Our family club
Will help you through
So you're ready to return
To claret and blue

You will recover
Although it may hurt
We know you'll be back
in your Hammers shirt

We look forward to your return,
Hopefully not too long
Get well soon mate
Stay strong!


To see more of Gary's West Ham United poems, click here.