2012/13 appearances and goals

Please note the squad numbers on this page refer to the 2012/13 season and may not remain the same in 2013/14.

2012/13 Appearances and Goals
(Correct up to Sunday 19 May 2013)

BPL Apps BPL Goals

COC Apps

COC Goals FAC Apps FAC Goals
2 Reid 36 1 1
3 McCartney 9 (3) 1
4 Nolan 35 10 1 1(1)
5 Tomkins 18 (8) 1 1 2
7 Jarvis 29 (3) 2 1 0 (1)
8 Carroll 22 (2) 7
8 Maynard* 1 1
9 Cole 14 (13) 2 2
10 Collison 5 (12) 2 1(1)
11 Maiga 2 (15) 2 2 2
12 Vaz Te 18 (6) 3 2 2
13 Henderson 2
14 Taylor 14 (14) 1 1 (1) 1 (1)
15 Benayoun* 4 (2)
16 Noble 25 (3) 4 1 0 (1)
17 O'Brien 32 (1) 1 1
18 Pogatetz 1 (5)
19 Collins 29 1 2
20 Demel 28 (3) 1
21 Diame 31 (2) 3 1
22 Jaaskelainen 38 2


1 (2) 1 2




7 (4) 2 1
27 Spence 0 (4) 2 1


2 (1)
30 Spiegel
32 O'Neil 17 (7) 1 2 1
33 Potts 1 (1) 2 2
40 Fanimo 0 (2)
41 Driver
42 Moncur 0 (1)
44 Chambers
45 McCallum+
46 Hall+ 0 (1) 1 (1)
47 Lee 0(1)

(Substitute appearances in brackets)
*No longer with West Ham United
+Out on loan

Key - BPL - Barclays Premier League, COC - Capital One Cup, FAC - FA Cup

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