Jonjo takes it in his stride

Jonjo Heuerman has been enjoying a well-earned rest this week after a spectacular charity walk from Wembley to Upton Park last weekend.

The plucky nine-year-old from Kent won the hearts of everyone at the Boleyn - and football fans across the country - as he completed his three-day trek and smashed his £10,000 fundraising target for the Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK. In fact, Jonjo has doubled that number and more, and still the money continues to pour in.

Jonjo's adventure shows no sign of abating, however. Club principal partners SBOBET have offered him and his sister Megan, dad Gary and mum Donna a weekend away in the Isle of Man, while Bobby Moore's widow Stephanie - the founder of the Fund in his name - has extended an invitation to Jonjo to attend a House of Lords lunch on 7 April.

Before entering the stadium on Sunday, Jonjo paused for a service at the World Cup winners' statue, where club chaplain Alan Bolding said a prayer and he laid a wreath.

Upon entering the stadium to rapturous applause from all four corners, Jonjo did a lap of the pitch before walking to the centre-circle to meet Liverpool and West Ham United captains Steven Gerrard and Matthew Upson. He was also picked up by referee Mark Halsey, himself a cancer survivor, and ended up being featured on the BBC's Match of the Day.

Jonjo had previously been given a great send-off from the national stadium by club legend Sir Trevor Brooking and Bobby's widow Stephanie Moore. Sir Trevor was also there to meet him on Sunday at the walk's end, along with Mayor of Newham, Sir Robin Wales. Club chairman David Gold sent his regards after illness meant he could not attend.

The walk was designed to raise money in memory of Jonjo's nan Lyn as well as Bobby Moore, with both having lost their lives to bowel cancer. He also spent a day at Chadwell Heath, with players and management all wishing him well in his challenge.

During his day at the club, Jonjo also visited the Legends Lounge inside the Boleyn Ground. There, thanks to Hammers greats Phil Parkes and Martin Allen, supporters raised an extra £4,000 to add to the Fund.

Parkes said the generosity of supporters was special to see, even if 'Mad Dog' Allen proved extra specially persuasive. "It was brilliant, everyone in the lounge gave something," he said. "In the end we were £37 shy of £4,000, they were so generous. It was absolutely fantastic."

Naturally, Jonjo's mum Donna has been overwhelmed by the special reception given to her son. In a letter to the club and fans, she wrote:

A big 'thank you' to everyone for the amazing reception given to my son Jonjo on Sunday.

"We were moved to tears seeing him do his lap of honour and seeing the fans encouraging him. Not sure how his little legs managed to make it around the pitch or even how he managed to sprint at one point. He thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I am sure he will cherish the memory. So far he has raised £20,500 and the total is still rising.

"He had great support from Martin Allen and Phil Parkes in the Legends lounge who managed to encourage people to raise £4,000 in around ten minutes!

"A big thank you also to the players for their support, the staff at the club, and also to David Gold and Avram Grant who were a great help too. Bill Mummery of SBOBET gifted the family a weekend in the Isle of Man which was extremely kind of him. Not sure what Jonjo will do with his time now but watch this space. Much love to everyone.

Jonjo and the Heuerman family.

For anyone still wanting to get involved, visit Jonjo's fundraising page at


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