Liverpool 3-0 West Ham United FT





Final score - Liverpool 3-0 West Ham United

92 mins - Liverpool are just playing out time now before Probert blows for full-time. West Ham return to action a week from now, when Wigan Athletic are the visitors to the Boleyn Ground. The Hammers will need to produce a better display if they are to defeat the Latics and begin their ascent of the Barclays Premier League table.

91 mins - Chance! Barrera crosses from the right and Piquionne gets in front of his marker, but can only glance his header wide of the far post.

90 mins - The home fans launch into a chorus of 'You'll Never Walk Alone' as we go into the first of two added minutes. Kuyt gets in behind Jacobsen and goes down under a challenge from the Dane. Liverpool want a penalty, but again Probert waves away the protests.

89 mins - Noble is felled by Shelvey about 35 yards out to the right of Reina's goal. Free-kick... Noble lofts the ball over and Upson heads wide.

87 mins - Piquionne works a bit of space in the Liverpool box and shoots, but Carragher is there to block and the ball loops out for a throw.

86 mins - Johnson and Babel combine before the Dutchman crosses and Aurelio heads over from eight yards.

84 mins - A final change from Liverpool as Torres goes off and Ryan Babel comes on.

83 mins - Shelvey is on for Meireles.

82 mins - Good football from West Ham, who keep possession around the Liverpool box before Noble finds Tomkins in space on the right. The youngster crosses, but it's too high for Piquionne and Johnson chests the ball back to Reina.

80 mins - Aurelio and Konchesky combine before the replacement wins a corner off Kovac. Aurelio crosses and Gabbidon heads out for a throw via Noble's toe.

78 mins - Tomkins combines with Piquionne and Barrera before creating some space for the Mexican to cross. He curls the ball over, but it's easily headed clear by Carragher.

76 mins - James Tomkins is on for Ilunga for the final quarter-of-an-hour. Jacobsen goes to left-back. Tomkins goes to right-back.

73 mins - The corner is cleared at the near post. Liverpool replace Ngog with Fabio Aurelio.

72 mins - Take a bow Robert Green. In fact, take two bows. First, the No1 pushes a fierce shot from Torres on to the angle of crossbar and post, then seconds later he dives the other way to palm a Poulsen pile-driver past the post.

70 mins - The crowd here tonight is 43,024. Most of them are going to go home perfectly happy with their evening out at the football.

69 mins - Benni McCarthy replaces Cole for the final 20 minutes or so.

68 mins - Ngog gets free down the left and plays the ball inside for Maxi. He takes a touch and shoots left footed, but the ball skims just wide of the far post.

67 mins - Ooooh! Piquionne holds the ball up before spinning away down the left flank. The Frenchman's cross is mis-directed, but forces Reina to tip over. Barrera's initial delivery is cleared to Noble. He finds Barrera, who plays it back to the No16, whose cross is caught by Reina.

65 mins - Meirelese crosses again and Upson wins the header again before Maxi controls and passes the ball out for a West Ham throw.

64 mins - Gabbidon slices the ball behind for a corner under pressure from Konchesky. Meireles to take. Upson heads clear but the ball drops to Maxi, whose shot hits Boa Morte and spins over the top.

63 mins - Maxi dances along the edge of the penalty area before rolling the ball to Torres, who cuts on to his left foot and smashes a shot high and wide.

62 mins - More cries for a second penalty from the Liverpool fans as Maxi goes down under a strong tackle from Gabbidon just inside the box. Again, referee Probert gives nothing.

60 mins - A flashpoint there as Boa Morte and Johnson go in for a challenge on the touchline. Replays suggest there wasn't much in it and the issue is resolved with a handshake. Liverpool have a free-kick, but it comes to nothing.

59 mins - West Ham have a bit of the ball inside the Liverpool half and, for the first time, the home fans show their frustrations. The Hammers can't work an opening, though.

57 mins - Piquionne does well to beat Skrtel to the ball and then get in his cross from the by-line, but Reina is there to catch in front of Barrera.

53 mins - West Ham have a spell of possession that ends with Boa Morte sending in a cross for Cole, but Skrtel is there to head clear powerfully.

52 mins - Liverpool want another penalty as Torres cuts inside and shoots. The ball hits Gabbidon on the hand, but it is not deliberate in a million years. Probert waves away the protests.

51 mins - Johnson sends a high ball into the box, where Kuyt holds off Kovac before rolling the ball into the path of Ngog. The Czech recovers just in time to divert the ball over the top for a corner. The ball comes in and Ngog flicks it on, but Boa Morte can clear before being fouled by Poulsen.

50 mins - Piquionne beats his man and finds Noble 25 yards out. The midfielder has time to take a touch and shoot, but he drags the ball well wide.

49 mins - Kovac gives the ball away in midfield and Liverpool break through Kuyt. He finds Maxi, whose shot is charged down by Boa Morte.

47 mins - Liverpool attack down the right and Kuyt wins a corner from the sliding Boa Morte. Meireles crosses, but Johnson directs his header wide of the near post.

46 mins - Cole and Piquionne get things underway for the second 45 minutes.

Victor Obinna is replaced by Pablo Barrera for the second half. West Ham will kick-off. They need something truly special to salvage anything from this game.

Half-time score - Liverpool 3-0 West Ham United

47 mins - Reina clears and referee Probert brings a disappointing opening half to an end.

46 mins - Noble crosses and Kuyt heads over his own crossbar for a corner. Noble's delivery is punched clear, but the ball is worked back out to the midfielder. He rolls the ball back to Obinna, who skies his shot into the stand. We're going to have at least one added minute...

45 mins - Obinna beats three men before being brought down by Konchesky on the edge of the penalty area. A chance to deliver a decent ball into the box for Noble.

44 mins - Noble is throwing himself into every challenge. The No16 is a die-hard Hammer and will be hurt by this score-line. Gabbidon gives the ball away 30 yards from goal and it is worked to Meireles, who drags his shot well wide.

40 mins - Piquionne is fouled about 30 yards out in a central position. Noble steps up and curls the free-kick over the crossbar.

38 mins - GOAL! Green does well to block Torres' shot, but nobody is there when Konchesky picks up the loose ball and crosses for Maxi to head past the goalkeeper from 12 yards.

37 mins - Liverpool come again through Meireles, who finds Konchesky. His cross is headed half-clear by Upson to Kuyt, who volleys wide from 22 yards.

36 mins - Boa Morte sends over a diagonal cross from deep and Cole gets above Carragher, but his header lacks the power to beat Reina.

35 mins - The 1,900 fantastic supporters sat away to my left are making plenty of noise as always. They absolutely cannot be faulted.

34 mins - So nearly 3-0. Meireles sends over a free-kick which Green drops. The ball bounces and Maxi volleys it goal-wards, where only Gabbidon's head keeps it out of the net.

32 mins - Piquionne picks the ball up wide on the left and cuts inside two Liverpool defenders before finding Noble. The No16 cuts back on to his left foot and shoots, but it hits Obinna on the back.

31 mins - West Ham have switched to a 4-4-2 formation. Boa Morte is wide left, Obinna wide right and Piquionne up front with Cole.

30 mins - Obinna tries to pick out the run of Piquionne, but Reina is alert to the danger and races from his penalty area before clearing the ball high into the dark sky.

29 mins - Ngog wins a corner off Upson. Meireles to take from the left. Piquionne heads clear at the near post.

27 mins - GOAL! Kuyt calmly rolls the ball past Green.

26 mins - Penalty to Liverpool. Kuyt gets in behind Ilunga and crosses. The ball finds Torres, whose touch hits Gabbidon's hand. Referee Lee Probert points to the spot.

24 mins - Obinna tries to pick out Piquionne inside the area. The Frenchman jumps with Skrtel and handles. Free-kick to the home side.

23 mins - Torres gets clear again and crosses, but nobody is there to apply the finish. Liverpool keep up the pressure and Johnson crosses towards Torres. The Spaniard is completely unmarked, but mis-kicks horribly and Gabbidon clears.

20 mins - Cole does well to hold the ball up and roll it into the path of Jacobsen. The Dane crosses and Johnson heads out for a throw. Good delivery from the right-back.

18 mins - GOAL! Meireles' corner is deep and a host of players jump for the ball. Johnson wins it and reacts quickest to smash a low shot past Green from about 14 yards.

17 mins - Torres runs into the channel and pulls the ball back for Meireles. The midfielder crosses to the back post and Jacobsen heads behind. Maxi takes the corner short to Meireles, whose fierce drive is turned over the top by Green.

15 mins - Johnson is allowed too much space down the right and he finds Kuyt. The ball breaks to Torres, whose shot is well blocked by the lunging Kovac. The ball spins into the air and Green is fouled as he punches it clear.

14 mins - Nouble and McCarthy are out warming up on the touchline. No signs of any injuries among the starters that I can see, though.

12 mins - Torres opens up down the right, but Gabbidon sticks with him. The No9 finds Meireles, but his cross is too close to Green, who collects.

11 mins - Ngog beats three defenders before finding Torres 20 yards out. The Spaniard shoots right-footed, but it's about three yards wide of the post.

10 mins - Liverpool come forward down the right and Upson concedes a throw, but the Hammers force the home side back into their own half. Better defending, that.

7 mins - The Hammers finally have a bit of possession. Green whacks the ball upfield and Piquionne wins a throw. Boa Morte does well in central midfield and works the ball out wide left to Ilunga, but the No23 can't find Obinna with his pass. Goal kick.

5 mins - Upson passes the ball straight to Meireles and is out of position. The No4 tries to play in Torres, but his pass is just too strong and Green picks the ball up on the edge of the penalty area.

5 mins - West Ham can't get near Liverpool at the moment. Kuyt spreads the play wide left to Maxi, who takes a touch and hammers a low shot narrowly wide of the near post. Green was at full-stretch there, and I'm not sure he'd have got there.

3 mins - Ngog races past Gabbidon before cutting inside on to his right foot and shooting. Green dives to his left and palms the ball away before it is hacked upfield.

2 mins - The Reds are looking ominously good here. Maxi works some space on the left and cuts inside. His shot takes a nick off a boot but is safely gathered low down by Green.

1 min - Liverpool make a strong start. Meireles comes forward before feeding Kuyt. He finds Johnson, who escapes the attentions of Obinna and clips a cross over the head of Green. Jacobsen is forced to head behind. The corner comes in from the left, but is headed clear at the near post.

5.32pm - Ngog and Torres get us underway.

5.31pm - Liverpool will kick-off...

5.30pm - For those of you who can't see a TV screen, West Ham are in all-white today. Liverpool, of course, are in all-red. Ray Clemence is sat just to my right, here to watch Robert Green in action. Former Reds boss Gerard Houllier is also in the Directors Box, as is Liverpool legend Ian Rush. The two teams have swapped ends, meaning the Hammers will attack The Kop end in the second half, much to the home fans' annoyance.

5.29pm - Today's game marks Carlton Cole's 100th start in a West Ham shirt. Let's hope the No9 can mark the special occasion with a goal...

5.28pm - You know kick-off is fast approaching at Anfield when the strains of 'You'll Never Walk Alone' start to play over the PA system. Whichever club you support, it is a special moment in football as The Kop rises as one to sing their hearts out. Avram Grant described Anfield as a 'temple' on Friday, and I'd make the manager right.

5.25pm - The Chairmen take their seats in the Directors Box in front of me as the two teams emerge from the tunnel to a wall of noise.

5.24pm - A couple of interesting facts in today's matchday programme. First, West Ham were known as the 'Thames Fireworks' before changing their name in 1895. Second, Lars Jacobsen was an ever-present for Norway at this summer's World Cup. We all make mistakes!

5.20pm - For the historians among us, West Ham's last win at Anfield came on 14 September 1963, when Martin Peters and Geoff Hurst scored in a 2-1 victory. Since then, results have not exactly been great at Anfield. However, the Hammers did earn a hard-fought goalless draw here on 1 December 2008. A repeat result tonight would take West Ham above Wolverhampton Wanderers and off the bottom of the table.

5.15pm - The atmosphere is building up nicely on a cold and slightly murky evening in Liverpool. West Ham's players have already returned to their dressing room, while the home side are still going through some last-minute exercises on the Anfield pitch. West Ham have brought about 1,900 fans with them up the M6 as the Hammers go for their first away win since 15 August 2009 - some 24 matches ago.

Good afternoon and welcome to Anfield for this evening's Barclays Premier League fixture.

West Ham United are looking for a first away win at Liverpool since September 1963 and also a first victory live on ESPN.

The Hammers go into today's game unbeaten in three Premier League games and having been beaten just twice in their previous eleven fixtures in all competitions.

Team news-wise, manager Avram Grant has been forced to make two changes to the starting XI that drew 0-0 with Blackpool last weekend. Scott Parker (chest infection) and Kieron Dyer (hamstring) make way for Radoslav Kovac and Carlton Cole.

Liverpool name two ex-Hammers in their starting XI in full-backs Glen Johnson and Paul Konchesky. FIFA World Cup winner Fernando Torres starts for the Reds, but England midfielder Steven Gerrard is absent after being injured in the Three Lions' 2-1 defeat by France at Wembley on Wednesday.

Romford-born West Ham fan Jonjo Shelvey, who joined Liverpool from Charlton Athletic in the summer, is among the home substitutes.

Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Carragher, Skrtel, Konchesky, Kuyt, Raul Meireles (Shelvey 83), Poulsen, Maxi, Ngog (Aurelio 73), Torres (Babel 84)
Subs: Jones, Kyrgiakos, Kelly, Eccleston

West Ham United: Green, Jacobsen, Gabbidon, Upson, Ilunga (Tomkins 76), Kovac, Noble, Boa Morte, Obinna (Barrera 46), Piquionne, Cole (McCarthy 69)
Subs: Stech, Spector, Reid, Nouble