Manager on Monday

Gianfranco Zola was happy to finish a difficult Barclays Premier League season with an encouraging display and a positive result against Manchester City.

The West Ham United manager was pleased with the performance given by his team, who took the lead against the UEFA Europa League qualifiers and created enough chances to win the game before being held to a 1-1 draw.

In an exclusive interview with WHUTV, Zola was able to smile at the end of what has been a nerve-wracking nine months.

"They really played a good game. There was some very good football so I was delighted with that. It's a pity, because if we could have played throughout the season with the same freedom, the result could have been different.

"They can definitely some really good football. When they have the possibility to play with more freedom, the creativity and all the qualities come out. This was an example of that."

Zola was particularly delighted for goalscorer Luis Boa Morte, who completed his comeback from a full season out with a serious knee injury by scoring the Hammers' goal.

The manager admitted the battling qualities shown by the Portugal midfielder had been a big miss during what has been a tough season for everyone connected with the club.

"I tell you, if I could pick out one player to score the first goal, it would have been Luis, big time. I am really pleased for him because he's a player we've missed very much.

"He was and he is an important player on and off the pitch. You need players like him."

Zola himself refused to let the recent struggles off the pitch get him down, instead pointing to the positives of going through a difficult experience in his fledgling managerial career.

"I will definitely learn a lot from this season. I said that it's been hard, but nothing comes without importance, so I am assuming that in the future I'm going to be much stronger than before.

While results have been inconsistent, the manager pointed to the constant backing he and his players have received from the club's loyal supporters as another positive to take from the 2009/10 campaign.

"Absolutely, I've had a very good relationship with them and I thank them for that. I wish this year I could have done something better for them, because they deserve that. Especially the away fans, they always came and we haven't played very well away from home. I want to say 'Thanks' to them, because they have never let us down.

"They are massive because when you know you've got their backing, it's easier to do the job."

While a 17th-place finish may not have been the aim at the start of the new season last August, the manager was understandably happy to end it clear of the relegation zone.

"It's very difficult to sum up the season. It's a season in which we underperformed, I have to admit, but trust me, considering all the circumstances we've been through, it has been a good result.

"I'm sure all these players will be much better next season because they've learned a lot from this one."