Manager on Monday

Avram Grant has spoken of his determination to lay the foundations for future success at West Ham United and to ensure the fans are proud of the players.

Reflecting on his appointment as the Hammers manager, Grant said he would love to guide the club into Europe - but in good time. He said such rewards would come naturally by aiming to improve year on year. "Our target will be to progress so it will always be better and you can do that for a long time. I don't believe in success for one year. We need to build something.

"Even the facilities will help us to do better. We have a good Academy base. If we build a squad like I think we can, every year will be better. We won't say our target is seventh place or eighth place, if you do things right, of course you will progress.

"I am sure that West Ham will be a good club first to play for and second to watch. Of course there will be good days and not good days but I am sure that if we do things right, and we are starting to do it now, we can speak about very good things.

"First we need to do it and then we can speak about it."

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The managed confirmed that the club were busy with trying to strengthen the first-team squad but was naturally keeping his cards close to his chest. "We are in the middle of negotiations. We are looking to improve the areas we need to improve."

Forward positions are perhaps a priority with Carlton Cole and Benni McCarthy supported by three young forwards in Zavon Hines, Freddie Sears and Frank Nouble - who will miss the tour of Germany next Friday because of England Under-19 duty. McCarthy, though, is getting closer to fitness after last season's injury problems.

"We have Benni McCarthy in our squad. He is a good player. We are helping him but he needs to help himself to be better. So far from what I have seen in training, he is doing well. "

Grant was also confident the supporters can play their part in a big season. "The fans here are great. I was here before for games and the thing I liked was the supporters. They are very passionate about the club and they deserve to see a good team. We will do everything to give them that.

"I was a supporter so I know what it is to be a supporter. What happened in Portsmouth needs to be at West Ham in the way that the players show to the fans that they gave everything. I am sure if they see that the players give everything, then they will show a good spirit. They will support them even if we lose games."

He also paid tribute to the support he has had from the owners. "They are very passionate about the football. I only see positive things. They are ready to do everything for the club. The club is not in a good situation because they took a club with a lot of debt."

Returning to the issue of expectations for the season ahead, the manager reiterated the goal was to ensure the team had a solid campaign first and foremost before moving to other ambitions. "The owners said to me the first year target is not to fight against relegation and from this we can build for the future. It is also my target."