Polish lessons please Bondz

West Ham United reserve-team captain Bondz 'Gala and the rest of the squad returned home on Wednesday afternoon buoyed by an impressive 2-2 draw with Polish top-flight side Arka Gdynia.

Tuesday's game was watched by a large home crowd inside the stadium, while the match was relayed live on television across the country. 'Gala believes that kind of experience, which was so different to reserve games, can only help the development of the young team, which included no fewer than nine teenagers in its starting XI.

"It was a great experience playing in front of a very lively crowd of about 4,000," 'Gala said. "It was some of the lads' first trip away and I think we gelled quite well. It always helps to go away together as it brings the team that much closer.

"It was different as away games aren't normally proper away games in the reserves. So playing this game gave everyone a feel for what it is like to play away from home with other supporters cheering for them and not for you."

The reserves have not hit the back of the net as much as they would have liked in recent weeks, so they will no doubt have been boosted by Terry Dixon and Fabio Daprela's first goals for the club as they begin to prepare for next Tuesday's return to league action away at Fulham. 'Gala was particularly pleased to see Dixon take another big step forward on his road to back to full fitness.

"I'm happy for Terry to get his first goal. It was good to get him off the mark and hopefully he can push on from there. It will give us some confidence. We scored, which we haven't done enough of this season."

Central midfielder Nigel Quashie, who along with 'Gala was just one of two players with first-team experience on show for the Hammers, was an assured presence throughout and his captain was grateful to have an older head around.

"I thought Nigel Quashie was really good. He is mature and helps us a lot and he always calms us down. I am young and I am still learning so it's good to have an experienced player calming us down and getting us playing again."

*Forward Anthony Edgar has returned to the club after his one-month loan deal with Bournemouth finished. Edgar has been training with the first-team squad this week.