Fans invited to Sunday show

West Ham United Community Sports Trust staff will be out in force again this weekend after a successful event at the Mayor's Newham Show.

The trust's coaches will be at the Dagenham Town Show on Sunday in Central Park, to deliver multi-sports coaching to the youngsters present.  Hammers fans going along can find the West Ham-backed activities in the Games Zone throughout the day. For more information on the event, click here.

Last week's show Newham Show saw more than 5,000 young participants take part in five Olympic sports as part of the club's continuing Summer Roadshow throughout the local community.

Young people aged between four and 14 received fundamental skills coaching in football, basketball, tennis, handball, and athletics, followed by a series of competitive tournaments in each sport, with prizes awarded by Newham Mayor Sir Robin Wales.

The Mayor was impressed with the high standard of delivery provided by the staff from the club.

He said: "Our aim is to increase opportunities for residents to take part in sport and physical activity to make them healthier. I was delighted to see so many young people enjoying the range of activities offered through our partnership with the West Ham United Community Sports Trust.

"The enthusiasm of the coaches was second to none. Staff from the club put on an excellent show. We can all be proud of West Ham's contribution to our community."

West Ham United Community Sports Trust CEO Mick King said: "It is important for young people to have the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports in addition to football. This project forms a key aspect of the club's Olympic Legacy for the community, and will provide a comprehensive range of multi-sports coaching during the run-up to 2012."

Pictured - Mayor Sir Robin Wales, Deputy Mayor Cllr Christine Bowden and Cllr Unmesh Desai and winners of the 3v3 tournaments