Weekend fun for fans

West Ham United Community Sports Trust staff will be out in force again this weekend after a successful event at City Airport last Saturday.

The Trust's coaches will be present at the Newham Mayor's Show this Saturday and Sunday in Central Park, East Ham, to deliver multi-sports coaching to the youngsters present.

Saturday's show in east London follows the significant contribution the club made to the prestigious City Airport Funday and Airshow on Saturday 4 July, where over 1,500 young participants engaged in activities during the day. Children aged between four and 14 received technical coaching in dribbling and turning skills before competing in individual timed trials. Each session concluded with an organised game between the youngsters.

The event was the first of a series of summer road show activities where West Ham will be providing outreach activities at community events.

West Ham United Community Sports Trust CEO Mick King said: "These events are important to help link the club to its communities. The activities are provided by talented young coaches who are recruited locally and have a natural affinity with local communities. Their commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism are of the highest standard. They are excellent ambassadors for the club."

The Community Sports Trust team next move on to Dagenham Town Show on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 July.