Gabbidon special on WHUTV

Danny Gabbidon has spoken to WHUTV about his determination to return to action for West Ham United and repay the fans and the club for all their support.

The 29-year-old Wales defender has not played a first-team game since 12 December 2007, having suffered with a range of problems related to a troublesome abdominal injury. Having undertaken extensive rehabilitation work with the club's dedicated team of physiotherapists and medical staff, Gabbidon also had an operation on his back at the end of last year and believes he is beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.


Always the last to leave Chadwell Heath every day, Gabbidon has been tireless in his efforts to return to playing and has been a regular at games as well to show his support for his team-mates. He said: "It's been a long time and it has been quite frustrating. I was hoping to get back a long time ago. It's been tough, a few setbacks here and there, I thought I was getting there and then something else happens.

"It wasn't one problem but two or three different things that are quite complicated things and have proved quite hard to get rid off. It sounds a bit silly but it may have been a better to have had a straightforward injury like a broken leg or something like that as you know when you might come back."

While Gabbidon does not know exactly when he will return, he is determined to make an impact when he does. "It's been going OK the last few weeks and I've started to increase some of the stuff I've been doing. I know the back is better than it was before and I can make a few targets and goals now and hopefully in a month I may be running and closer to training and then I can incorporate a few more targets and goals into my programme.

"It's good when you can see yourself progressing, you get more confident and positive and hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can keep progressing. Then I'll take it week by week, and month by month.

"The medical staff been great all season and really positive with me which is great as when you've been out a long time you need the physios to keep having faith in you. It rubs off on you and you've got to have that positive outlook yourself. It's been tough sometimes but they have all been great and really helpful. I've got to keep that positive mindset myself and hopefully I'll get there."

The 2005/06 Hammer of the Year believes he has unfinished business at the Boleyn Ground and is eager to say thanks on the pitch. "The club have been great. I have been to see a few different people and they have been really good for organising that and anything I have wanted they have done. I can't fault the club for the effort they have put in to try and get me back fit. Hopefully I can get back in and start repaying them.

"I have spoken to the manager a few times. He has been really good with me. He asks me how I am, what has been going on and when I am going to come back. He is a really nice man and he says we are waiting for you to come back.

"It is nice to know the manager is thinking about you. When you have been out for a while you can think you are the forgotten man. It has not been like that at all. The manager and Steve Clarke often ask how I am and how long til I get back. That gives me added motivation to get back as soon as I can."


* The support from fans
* Gianfranco Zola and Steve Clarke
* Watching the team this season
* The future with West Ham United