Captain's Blog - On the right track

It's a funny and frustrating position we find ourselves in at the moment, but something I can assure you everyone is looking into and trying to put right. We are dominating games and creating enough chances to have pretty much won all of the last six or seven games, but we still find ourselves in a bit of a rut.

Saying that though, the mood in the camp is still good. The team is still very much together and as a group collectively, we have all realised that something is not right in terms of the results and we are all working hard to try and fix it. Just to make sure team spirit is still as high as ever, we went down to a go-karting racetrack at the Docklands this week.

It was full team of players, coaches and medical staff and a great day was had by all. There were 36 drivers in various heats and as you can imagine, very competitive! Everyone had to work to a points tally, which if good, got you into the top 20, then there were two semi-finals featuring ten drivers, a few in the top five and then the final.

It appeared that a lot of the smaller guys seemed to be better and faster than anyone else!  Craig Bellamy and Mark Noble were the two fighting for chequered flag at the end and congratulations go to Bellars who was triumphant!

We hope that the afternoon out will also go to helping provide the missing link between winning and losing, which I am pretty sure it will. It was good to get out, there were plenty of jokes flying about, the camaraderie was great and if anything, it brought us all closer together. We are very much gelled as a unit now and after a fantastic week in training and our day out, we are looking to turn it all into points at the weekend.

We welcome Portsmouth, their players, staff and supporters. They had a last-minute win last week and can be a very dangerous and competitive team.
But it is a game we have got to go into feeling we can win it and knowing if we play to our abilities for 90 minutes and keep any mistakes to a minimum, we can be confident of getting a result.

It is far too early to be talking about any panic or having too much negativity. The league is very tight at the moment, a win can see you go from the bottom half to the top half pretty quickly so there is plenty to aim at. Let's be honest, the signs are good. If we were playing bad, not creating chances and losing, then we should be very worried. But we are actually playing really well, creating lots of chances and sooner or later it will all come together.

All that's been missing from the training ground and on the pitch is a win. That win will be a compliment and reward for all the hard work that is being put in. I think that's the message that everyone needs to realise, players and fans included, we all certainly believe it and we just hope that everyone in the stands is thinking on the same wavelength.

We really need the fans more than ever, there will be some nerves out there on the pitch, especially if we go into a lead or it's 0-0, but it's not through a lack of trying. The team need you more than ever, that means every single player needs the support of the fans, because we are all in it together. This is important if we are to continue to progress as a club.

On the charity front, a couple of the boys attended an event for the Richard House Children's Hospice last week. The hospice is one of our club charities, Carlton Cole and Jimmy Walker went to their annual ball on behalf of the club and a lot of money was raised for what is a very worthy cause.

Thank you as always to everyone for their loyal support and let's hope we can pay you back for that with a much-needed win tomorrow and get our campaign well and truly back on track.

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Lucas Neill