Bowyer positive for Portsmouth

Lee Bowyer said all at West Ham United are only looking ahead to the next game against Portsmouth in a positive way with the aim of turning the team's performances of late into the results they deserve.

The midfielder was at the heart of much the good work against Everton on Saturday and although the team lost out in a dramatic turnaround at the end, he said confidence was still high. "No one likes losing and we know we need to get the results, but the confidence is not low at all," he said. "There is no team outplaying us, in fact, if you look at the Everton game, we outplayed them and yet somehow still lost.

"We dominated the match and after we scored, felt we could get another one as we had so much pace up front with Bellars and Freddie, so it was a strange one with what happened and we were disappointed we couldn't put that performance into a win."

He added: "Results matter, but if you look at the football we are playing, it does make us all feel that we are going the right way and the right results will follow that." After injury blighted much of last season for Bowyer and a little part of the start of this campaign, he is now feeling good and is enjoying the football under Gianfranco Zola.

"I missed a part of last season because of the groin injury, I then did my hamstring at the beginning of the new season, but I now feel better with each game I am playing. As a player in this team, the way we are playing, is very exciting and enjoyablde, I think the other lads would say the same.

"We need to just get tighter as a team again and build on what we have been trying to do and as I said, the confidence is already there to put that into a few wins."