Graham Payne - 1944 - 2008
Despite living in Bristol for over 50 years, Graham never lost his love for the Hammers!! Travelling to Upton Park many, many times during his life, Graham experienced wonderful and sometimes worrying moments following West Ham, but remained a true and loyal fan throughout his life. Sadly, Graham passed away on Monday 7 January 2008 leaving his very special wife Lynn to live on with fond memories of a loving, gentle & kind husband. Please take a moment to say a prayer for Graham & Lynn with us - his loving friends, Ray, Gillian, Peter [fellow Hammer supporter thanks to Graham] and Nigel Bowman. May God take care of Graham and may he forever be 'blowing bubbles' with his old heroes……Bobby Moore, Johnny Byrne and many other Hammers legends.
Albert Cowan, passed away on Wednesday 9 January at the age of 85. A much beloved husband, fantastic father and a great friend to all that knew him. He was a life long Hammers fan; and will be sadly missed by all your family and friends.
Sadly Paul Cox died on Thursday 10 January. He will be greatly missed by all his colleagues at Complete Steel Services. All sympathy goes out to his long term partner Tracy and their family and friends. Paul was an old school West Ham fan who was hardly ever seen without a West Ham shirt on his back!