Dyer on the road to recovery

Kieron Dyer is making steady progress in his rehabilitation following his double leg fracture six weeks ago.

The England midfielder was carried off after a collision with an opponent six minutes into the Carling Cup second-round tie at Bristol Rovers on 28 August. While it is still too early to say when Dyer may be able to return to training, the club's medical staff are pleased with the progress being made.

West Ham United head physiotherapist George Cooper said: "Kieron met with his surgeon yesterday (10 October) and it went really well as he said that Kieron was right on schedule with his rehabilitation. He had an X-ray which showed the bone is growing round the fracture at the rate we would expect it to.

"He was given the all-clear to continue using two crutches and to put the injured leg down, gradually introducing weight over the next month," he added. "If that goes well the process will then be to use one crutch, thus introducing more weight and then, after that, walking with no crutches at all."