Club backs 'Enough is Enough'

Sunday's match against Bolton Wanderers saw West Ham United reiterate support for the campaign to stop youngsters carrying knives.

Newham mayor Sir Robin Wales is spearheading the Enough is Enough initiative that has seen Newham Council join forces with the Metropolitan Police and the players and management of West Ham United. The campaign, featured in today's matchday programme, follows the fatal stabbing of 17-year-old Hammers fan Rizwan Darbar, from Forest Gate, who died on 7 October after he stood up to muggers who tried to steal his phone.

Sir Robin said: "Rizwan's murder was totally unnecessary and another senseless waste of a young life. It is time we say: 'enough is enough'. It is time that young people wake up to the consequences of carrying a knife and realise that a single stab wound can kill."

Newham Police Borough Commander, detective chief superintendent Nick Bracken OBE said: "Though the overall level of knife crime has decreased, recent incidents have raised concerns."

West Ham United CEO Scott Duxbury said: "The club is wholeheartedly backing the Enough is Enough campaign and would ask fans to support this cause in the hope of avoiding a repeat of what happened to Rizwan. Our thoughts and sincere condolences go to his family and friends."

What can you do? We want everyone in Newham to join us when we say Enough is Enough. Pledge your support by texting your NAME and the word ENOUGH to 07624809655. Call Crimestoppers anonymously if you have any information about crime on 0800 555 111.