Boa Morte fighting back to full fitness

Luis Boa Morte is working hard to recover his fitness levels after being struck down with a nasty virus and sidelined for just over a month.

The Portuguese midfielder returned to first-team action last week as a second-half substitute to help the Hammers hold out for the 2-1 victory against Blackburn.

"It was really good to play against Blackburn and great to come on and for us to win," he said. "I was really happy even to play for five minutes. I hope we can continue winning against Middlesbrough and, hopefully, I will be getting my fitness back as well.

"It has been really disappointing this month because I missed some games. I was sick; I had this horrible virus. I had a really high fever and I knew it wasn't good. Since I recovered I've just been trying to work hard and get back to fitness.

"It's difficult to come to a new club and have to miss games almost straight away. But I am working hard and hopefully by the time we play Middlesbrough I will be even fitter and ready to fight for my place."

And while he's been working to increase his fitness, Luis has also been on hand to help his team-mates break down the occasional language barrier.

"I try to use what little bit of Spanish I know to help out Carlos and Kepa when I can and when the translator isn't here. I really like it at the Club, I have made some good friends and it's a good place to be."