Hammers cash boost for football project

Up and coming footballers in the East End are benefiting from work carried out in the community by West Ham United.

The Hammers are backing the Thames Gateway Youth Football Project, one of four London clubs providing professional coaching and guidance to the five to 24-year-olds. Other clubs involved include are Charlton Athletic, Millwall and Dagenham and Redbridge.

Together with other supporters of the project, including car manufacturers Ford, they are also providing a cash boost. A sum of £20,000 was handed over from the Hammers and Ford at a recent Premiership clash.

This money will used in a variety of ways, from helping to influence and raise the standards in life skills for those taking part as well as setting up educational and sporting opportunities such as drop-in football session's on several East London estates. Young footballers can also go on courses which can lead to Football Association-recognised coaching qualifications and after-school clubs.

by Laura Burkin