Bowyer on schedule for return to action

Lee Bowyer is on schedule to make his return from injury before the end of February.

The 29-year-old midfielder sustained a dislocated shoulder during our 6-0 defeat at Reading on New Year's Day and, having r has now started his rehabilitation with the aim of returning to full training in around three weeks' time.

"I had the shoulder brace removed this week and the injury has healed well," says Lee. "Now it's a case of strengthening the muscles around the shoulder and building up towards full training.

"I've had a problem with the shoulder since September but an operation would have ruled me out for the rest of the season, so I played on with it. I've been told that, if it goes again, I would definitely have to have the op, but hopefully I will be able to get through and help the team in any way I can in the remaining games.

"I was originally looking at a lay-off of around six weeks, and that is still on schedule. As long the rehabilitation work goes to plan, I should be available again before the end of February."