Benayoun sets the record straight

Yossi Benayoun has spoken exclusively to to set the record straight following what he believes to be fabrications printed in some of the national newspapers this morning.

The Hammers midfielder gave an interview to the Israeli Newspaper Maariv following Monday's 6-0 defeat at Reading. Several English papers have used the interview this morning but Yossi believes they have made additions and fabrications to the quotes he originally provided.

"I couldn't believe it when I read the papers this morning," says Yossi. "I just wanted to say that the players at West Ham know me well and know I would not say the things that have been reported, but I want the fans to know this as well.

"I would never criticise my team mates individually. When you lose, you lose as a team just the same as when you win, you win as a team. I have learned a lesson about the press today. They have taken an innocent interview I did with one Israeli newspaper and misquoted and mistranslated what I said and I will make sure not to make that mistake again.

"I am well aware what a bad situation we are in and these fabrications do not help that. The most important thing for us is to concentrate on turning things round as quickly as possible but distractions like these don't help.

"I am an experienced player and those who know me well, and know my character, know it is not my style to point the finger at anyone. I just want to make it clear, the players here are not just my team mates, they are my friends and I would never disrespect them or the Club in any way.

"The one part of the interview the English papers failed to pick up was the fact I want to stay at West Ham and help get us out of the predicament we are in. I am proud to wear the West Ham shirt. Clubs go through bad patches and we are experiencing that at the moment but we are determined to climb out of it and we still have the belief we can stay in this division."

by Miranda Nagalingam