Charlton v Hammers

91 mins: Foul by Nigel Quashie on Ben Thatcher. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Jerome Thomas from left by-line, header by Zhi Zheng from centre of penalty area (6 yards), hit bar.

90 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

90 mins: Shot by Nigel Quashie drilled left-footed from right channel (20 yards), clearance by Luke Young.

90 mins: Corner from right by-line taken short right-footed by Carlos Tevez.

89 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez to centre, clearance by Amady Faye.

89 mins: Cross by Carlos Tevez, resulting in ball out of play.

89 mins: Foul by Ben Thatcher on Christian Dailly. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez from right channel, passed.

87 mins: Foul by Ben Thatcher on Shaun Newton. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Shaun Newton from right channel, passed.

86 mins: Goal kick taken long by Scott Carson.

85 mins: Foul by Souleymane Diawara on Kepa Blanco. Free kick crossed right-footed by Carlos Tevez from right channel, resulting in ball out of play.

85 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

85 mins: Shot by Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink right-footed from right side of penalty area (12 yards), over the bar.

84 mins: Foul by Anton Ferdinand on Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Talal El Karkouri from right channel, resulting in open play.

84 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

84 mins: substitution: Alexandre Song Billong replaced by Amady Faye (tactical).

83 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

82 mins: Attacking throw-in by Christian Dailly.

81 mins: substitution: Darren Bent replaced by Zhi Zheng (tactical).

79 mins: Cross by Darren Ambrose, goal by Jerome Thomas (Charlton) right-footed (bottom-right of goal) from centre of penalty area (12 yards).Charlton 4-0 West Ham. Assist (pass) by Darren Ambrose (Charlton) from right channel.

79 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez to far post, header by Calum Davenport from centre of penalty area (12 yards), save (caught) by Scott Carson.

79 mins: Cross by Kepa Blanco, clearance by Ben Thatcher.

79 mins: Shot by Marlon Harewood right-footed from right channel (25 yards), clearance by Alexandre Song Billong.

78 mins: Attacking throw-in by Shaun Newton.

77 mins: Attacking throw-in by Luke Young.

76 mins: Attacking throw-in by Luke Young.

76 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

75 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Jerome Thomas to far post, resulting in ball out of play.

75 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Darren Ambrose to far post, clearance by Yossi Benayoun.

75 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken by Darren Ambrose to centre, resulting in open play.

74 mins: Defending throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

74 mins: Shot by Carlos Tevez mishit right-footed from right side of penalty area (18 yards), clearance by Luke Young.

73 mins: Darren Bent caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Christian Dailly from own half, passed.

73 mins: Foul by Carlos Tevez on Matthew Holland. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Talal El Karkouri from right channel, resulting in open play.

72 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Darren Ambrose to near post, clearance by Anton Ferdinand.

71 mins: substitution: Hayden Mullins replaced by Shaun Newton (injury).

71 mins: Cross by Jerome Thomas, clearance by Paul Konchesky.

69 mins: Attacking throw-in by Carlos Tevez.

69 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Darren Ambrose to far post, clearance by Hayden Mullins.

69 mins: Cross by Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, clearance by Anton Ferdinand.

68 mins: Goal kick taken long by Scott Carson.

68 mins: Shot by Kepa Blanco mishit right-footed from right channel (25 yards), missed right.

67 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

65 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

65 mins: Shot by Matthew Holland volleyed right-footed from left channel (20 yards), missed left.

64 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

64 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

64 mins: Defending throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

63 mins: Foul by Christian Dailly on Jerome Thomas. Free kick crossed right-footed by Darren Ambrose from left wing, clearance by Paul Konchesky.

62 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

61 mins: Attacking throw-in by Nigel Quashie.

61 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez to far post, clearance by Darren Bent.

61 mins: Shot by Marlon Harewood right-footed from right side of penalty area (12 yards), save (parried) by Scott Carson.

60 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

60 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.Shot by Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink right-footed from left channel (25 yards), missed right.

59 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

59 mins: Cross by Jerome Thomas, resulting in ball out of play.

59 mins: Shot by Yossi Benayoun left-footed from right channel (20 yards), save (caught) by Scott Carson.

58 mins: Darren Bent caught offside. substitution: Carlton Cole replaced by Kepa Blanco (tactical). Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.

58 mins: Handball by Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.

57 mins: Cross by Luke Young, blocked by Anton Ferdinand.

55 mins: Cross by Yossi Benayoun, header by Calum Davenport from centre of penalty area (12 yards), save (caught) by Scott Carson.

55 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Carlton Cole to near post, clearance by Souleymane Diawara.

55 mins: Outswinging corner from right by-line taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez to near post, clearance by Souleymane Diawara.

53 mins: Foul by Souleymane Diawara on Yossi Benayoun. Souleymane Diawara booked for unsporting behaviour. Free kick taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez from right channel (25 yards), save (parried) by Scott Carson.

53 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

52 mins: Shot by Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink right-footed from right channel (25 yards), hit post.

52 mins: Cross by Carlton Cole, clearance by Ben Thatcher.

51 mins: Attacking throw-in by Jerome Thomas.

50 mins: Attacking throw-in by Christian Dailly.

50 mins: Defending throw-in by Matthew Holland.

49 mins: Foul by Luke Young on Carlos Tevez. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Paul Konchesky from own half, resulting in open play.

48 mins: Attacking throw-in by Christian Dailly.

48 mins: Cross by Paul Konchesky, save (caught) by Scott Carson.

48 mins: Attacking throw-in by Carlton Cole.

47 mins: Cross by Ben Thatcher, clearance by Calum Davenport.

47 mins: Cross by Ben Thatcher, blocked by Yossi Benayoun.

47 mins: Attacking throw-in by Jerome Thomas.

46 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

46 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

45 mins: Attacking throw-in by Christian Dailly.

45 mins: substitution: Matthew Etherington replaced by Marlon Harewood (tactical).

45 mins: Darren Ambrose caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.

44 mins: Foul by Darren Bent on Paul Konchesky. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Paul Konchesky from left wing, resulting in open play.

44 mins: Defending throw-in by Luke Young.

42 mins: Goal kick taken long by Scott Carson.

41 mins: Foul by Alexandre Song Billong on Hayden Mullins. Alexandre Song Billong booked for unsporting behaviour. Free kick taken right-footed by Carlos Tevez from left channel (30 yards), over the bar.

40 mins: Goal by Darren Bent (Charlton) right-footed (bottom-left of goal) from right side of penalty area (18 yards).Charlton 3-0 West Ham. Assist (pass) by Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink (Charlton) from right channel.

39 mins: Foul by Darren Bent on Calum Davenport. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.

38 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

38 mins: Matthew Etherington caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Scott Carson from own half, resulting in open play.

37 mins: Attacking throw-in by Matthew Etherington.

37 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

36 mins: Foul by Talal El Karkouri on Carlos Tevez. Talal El Karkouri booked for unsporting behaviour. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Anton Ferdinand from right channel, resulting in open play.

35 mins: Defending throw-in by Luke Young.

36 mins: Shot by Nigel Quashie right-footed from left channel (30 yards), save (parried) by Scott Carson.

35 mins: Cross by Matthew Holland, resulting in open play.

35 mins: Cross by Matthew Holland, clearance by Calum Davenport.

34 mins: Foul by Darren Bent on Calum Davenport. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.

34 mins: substitution: Marcus Bent replaced by Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink (injury).

33 mins: Goal by Jerome Thomas (Charlton) left-footed (bottom-right of goal) from left side of penalty area (12 yards).Charlton 2-0 West Ham. Assist (pass) by Ben Thatcher (Charlton) from own half.

32 mins: Attacking throw-in by Luke Young.

32 mins: Darren Bent caught offside. Indirect free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.

31 mins: Defending throw-in by Luke Young.

31 mins: Cross by Paul Konchesky, clearance by Talal El Karkouri.

30 mins: Attacking throw-in by Matthew Etherington.

29 mins: Cross by Ben Thatcher, clearance by Anton Ferdinand.

29 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

29 mins: Cross by Darren Bent, resulting in ball out of play.

28 mins: Attacking throw-in by Luke Young.

28 mins: Cross by Darren Ambrose, clearance by Calum Davenport.

28 mins: Attacking throw-in by Luke Young.

27 mins: Cross by Darren Ambrose, clearance by Anton Ferdinand.

27 mins: Cross by Matthew Etherington, resulting in open play.

26 mins: Cross by Matthew Etherington, clearance by Souleymane Diawara.

26 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

25 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

24 mins: Foul by Jerome Thomas on Hayden Mullins. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Paul Konchesky from left channel, resulting in open play.

24 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

23 mins: Cross by Marcus Bent, goal by Darren Ambrose (Charlton) left-footed (bottom-right of goal) from centre of penalty area (12 yards).Charlton 1-0 West Ham. Assist (cross) by Marcus Bent (Charlton) from right by-line.

22 mins: Goal kick taken long by Scott Carson.

22 mins: Cross by Paul Konchesky, resulting in ball out of play.

22 mins: Cross by Carlton Cole, resulting in open play.

21 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Darren Ambrose to centre, foul by Jerome Thomas on Hayden Mullins. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.

20 mins: Defending throw-in by Christian Dailly.

19 mins: Defending throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

19 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

18 mins: Defending throw-in by Luke Young.

18 mins: Cross by Christian Dailly, resulting in ball out of play.

18 mins: Defending throw-in by Christian Dailly.

17 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

16 mins: Cross by Christian Dailly, clearance by Darren Ambrose.

17 mins: Defending throw-in by Luke Young.

16 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

16 mins: Attacking throw-in by Christian Dailly.

13 mins: Foul by Nigel Quashie on Darren Ambrose. Nigel Quashie booked for unsporting behaviour. Direct free kick taken left-footed by Ben Thatcher from right channel, resulting in open play.

13 mins: Cross by Darren Ambrose, save (caught) by Robert Green.

12 mins: Attacking throw-in by Luke Young.

12 mins: Goal kick taken long by Scott Carson.

11 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

11 mins: Inswinging corner from left by-line taken right-footed by Darren Ambrose to far post, resulting in ball out of play.

11 mins: Shot by Darren Ambrose left-footed from centre of penalty area (12 yards), clearance by Calum Davenport.

10 mins: Defending throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

10 mins: Attacking throw-in by Luke Young.

10 mins: Defending throw-in by Luke Young.

9 mins: Defending throw-in by Luke Young.

9 mins: Foul by Alexandre Song Billong on Paul Konchesky. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Anton Ferdinand from own half, passed.

8 mins: Defending throw-in by Matthew Etherington.

8 mins: Defending throw-in by Luke Young.

8 mins: Foul by Alexandre Song Billong on Carlton Cole. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Robert Green from own half, resulting in open play.

7 mins: Attacking throw-in by Ben Thatcher.

7 mins: Cross by Jerome Thomas, clearance by Hayden Mullins.

7 mins: Attacking throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

6 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

6 mins: Shot by Talal El Karkouri right-footed from left channel (25 yards), missed left.

5 mins: Foul by Calum Davenport on Darren Ambrose. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Matthew Holland from left channel, passed.

4 mins: Foul by Paul Konchesky on Darren Ambrose. Paul Konchesky booked for unsporting behaviour. Direct free kick taken right-footed by Luke Young from right wing, resulting in open play.

4 mins: Defending throw-in by Paul Konchesky.

3 mins: Attacking throw-in by Christian Dailly.

2 mins: Cross by Darren Ambrose, clearance by Calum Davenport.

2 mins: Goal kick taken long by Robert Green.

1 min: Shot by Marcus Bent right-footed from right channel (20 yards), missed right.

0 min: Attacking throw-in by Luke Young.

0 min: Cross by Marcus Bent, blocked by Anton Ferdinand.

0 min: Goal kick taken long by Scott Carson.