The snow must go on!

It was snow joke at West Ham United's Chadwell Heath training ground on Thursday morning, as the artic weather forced Hammers to abandon their regular session.

However, despite hazardous road conditions and delayed journeys, all of the first team squad battled through to make it in and continue their preparations for Saturday's vital Premiership clash against Watford.

While Alan Curbishley's outfield stars made use of the state-of-the-art indoor facilities, there was no stopping the goalkeepers, who headed out into the cold to carry out their regular routine.

For goalkeeping coach Ludek Miklosko, the thick blanket of snow was nothing to worry about. Having spent many winters playing football in Eastern Europe, the big Czech wasted no time in grabbing a shovel to clear an area on the pitch, insisting: "I used to do this every day back at home!"

Not surprisingly, the ever-lively Jimmy Walker was in his element, making use of the conditions to practise his throwing technique, while the groundstaff began the mammoth task of clearing the snow-covered pitches in preparation for a return to normality on Friday morning!