Curbs: We have to keep going

Alan Curbishley responded to this afternoon's defeat at Villa Park by insisting: "We have to keep going."

"It's been a very disappointing week," Curbs admitted. "The next two games are vital and we need to win them both. We have to keep going."

To add injury to insult, Matty Upson was forced to leave the field after half an hour with a torn calf muscle. After seeing another newly-signed defender substituted through injury on his debut for the second time in as many weeks, Curbs was matter-of-fact.

"We just have to get on with it," he said. "Last week Lucas Neill lasted 20 minutes, Matty lasted a bit longer today but it says it all at the moment."

"I believe you have to make your own luck. We need some three pointers at the moment. We need to win some games."