Club recognised for youth work

West Ham United will be presented with a plaque to commemorate the club's support of The Prince's Trust football initiative.

Chief Executive Scott Duxbury received the award during half-time of Saturday's home game with Everton. The club has played a part in a scheme to get 11,000 young people back into employment or training. Funded by the Premier League, PFA and Football Foundation, the initiative taps into the importance of teamwork, leadership and dedication required in football.

West Ham United has supported a number of young people on the Trust's programme, which is run locally by Newham College. This has included stadium tours, venues to host end of course presentations, work experience, signed merchandise and opportunities to meet their players all of which can help the young people complete The Prince's Trust programme.

Marion Walker, sports development anager at The Trust, said: "West Ham United have been absolutely fantastic in their support and it makes a real difference to the young people. Attending matches, signed merchandise, work experience and opportunities to meet some of their players can really help them to complete the course as well as boost their confidence and motivation."