Curbs proud of performance

Alan Curbishley paid tribute to both his players and the fans for the effort shown at Stamford Bridge when his side lost by the narrowest of margins.

Just as the contest seemed to be heading for the 0-0 draw that would have sent the travelling faithful home happy , Joe Cole dashed those hopes with a well-taken goal in the 76th minute. Many, including the West Ham United manager, felt the England midfielder might of strayed offside before taking receipt of the ball but he was quick to add that "you have just to get on with it".

Curbishley said: "If we had got out of here with a point most people would have agreed that probably would have been a fair result. We came and did a really good job defensively. That's why I was so disappointed with the goal because defensively I thought we looked strong. We took a lot of positives and the only disappointment is that we didn't really fashion that chance that was going to test [Carlo] Cudicini."

The manager went with Carlton Cole in attack, with Matthew Etherington and Luis Boa Morte joining him in a 4-3-3 formation whenever the away side were able to get forward. Dean Ashton also entered the fray in the closing stages as he continued his comeback. "Perhaps in the final third we didn't quite do enough," the manager added. "Saying that I am delighted with the way they have performed."

While it was a combative affair and the likes of fit-again Scott Parker, Lucas Neill and Boa Morte felt the force of some strong challenges, Curbishley acknowledged that "it was a local derby". He added: "We have got no complaints. I have asked players to do a job for me and they have gone and done it. I think the effort we put in deserved a bit more, I think the effort the fans put in deserved a bit more."

On the goal, Curbishley said Carlton Cole believed he was impeded as he tried to go past Alex and then, when the play switched to the other end, he expected the impressive defence to clear the danger. "The way we have been defending I couldn't quite see that happening," he said. "We are a little bit disappointed with that but I think it needed someone to pull something out to change the game and Joe Cole has got in there."

He refuted suggestions that his side, who remain in tenth place, had only sought to defend against a high-flying team who had not lost in their previous 69 home matches. "I came here to match up - to stop them dictating the game which is what we did," Curbishley said. "Perhaps I didn't have enough going the other way and that's the fact of it really.

"They are a top-four side, a Champions League side - all their players are fit and raring to go. I think we have come here and done really well. I don't think we will be the last team to come here and set their stall out. We are a little bit disappointed we haven't taken anything from it because we definitely deserved something from the game."